Mine's a different model, but same principle
My favorite everyday cup is the Newman's Own, which is considered an "extra bold" type. It's also organic, and I can buy it in bulk at Costco. I also really like Tully's Dark French Roast and the Dunkin Donuts cups. My favorite flavored coffees are Timothy's Cinnamon Pastry and Gloria Jean's Butter Toffee. I haven't really liked the non-coffee drinks I've tried (cocoa, mocha, chai) but you might like them. And I don't usually use my machine for tea because it's just as easy to heat my water in the microwave for that.
The Keurig site is good because almost all of what they sell is available in 5-cup sample packs, so you don't have to buy a whole box th see if you like something. Have fun
"The trophy problem has become extreme."