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Three questions that have nothing to do with each other kHz1000 Send a noteboard - 14/10/2013 01:41:12 AM

I wrote short intros to all of these to elaborate the question a bit. Feel free to answer any question(s) that you like.

The American FDA is known to be far more lenient when it comes to health claims used in food advertising and labelling than the European Efsa. The US has an industry friendly approach, the EU a more scientific approach to food and health. I tend to roll my eyes a bit at both, the burden of proof that Efsa requires of industries can be astounding, it's a miracle any product gets a health claim. Then again, there's less chance of consumers getting screwed by the food industry. A health claim states that a food has a proven, beneficial effect on certain aspect of health. For example, beta glucan lowers cholesterol, which is a beneficial effect.

  1. Should FDA be more like Efsa or vice versa?

Thinking about terrorists now. Samantha Lethwaite gets so much media attention that it seems safe to say that she and other female terrorists are seen as something more notorious and violent than mere male terrorists. And more admired, I'd wager. Ulrike Meinhof has been hailed as a feminist hero (she vividly disagreed) and I don't doubt Lethwaite has her fans, too. The reasons behind female suicide terrorism have also been studied.

  1. Why are women terrorists viewed as more abominable than the male ones?

My buddies and I joke that we’re not gay, we just f*** dudes. I always enjoy people’s accusation that ‘You can’t be gay’ because of my appearance, my tastes (in music, wardrobe, etc.) and my personality. [There’s this] idea that all gay guys like pop music and bad denim from Guess, and talk like a lame, effeminate caricature of homosexuality (David, 21 in Aguirre-Livingston, 2011).

On a more personal note, my friend commented once that being gay is a bad lifestyle choice but a fun hobby.

  1. Will the queer culture wither out and die as some sort of an interphase between homophobia and society's full acceptance?

That last one could be a bit more PC but I hope you get the point. Stereotypes are dumb, whether they're about fags or muslims.

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Three questions that have nothing to do with each other - 14/10/2013 01:41:12 AM 408 Views
3 unrelated answers - 14/10/2013 05:20:04 AM 259 Views
Re: 3 unrelated answers - 14/10/2013 11:45:28 AM 246 Views
Re: 3 unrelated answers - 14/10/2013 11:53:19 PM 243 Views three answers to me (unrelated) - 14/10/2013 10:40:17 PM 248 Views

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