Let me apologize for not replying for response to my previous post. I enjoyed reading all the responses, but when it comes down to it, at the ripe old age of 32, I'm too old to be disagreeing with people on the Internet. I'm convinced I'm right and quite intolerant of others' political views. But mostly, I don't like it when people disagree with me. I was hoping more to invite other people's stories than a debate.
So, onward! I've decided to learn a little Spanish. I've been to three Spanish-speaking countries, and while we got along fine with just English, it's a shame not to be able to say and understand some basic things. I'm also planning a massive epic trip to South America in a year or two (depending on how fast my checking account recovers from the just-been-there epic trip to China and Thailand) - this is the nssp part of the post. So I've downloaded all the free learn Spanish apps and working my way through them during my daily commute. 15 mins in the morning, 15 mins in the evening 5 days a week is sure to add up. The bonus is that I'm beginning to understand random words in song lyrics.