Fox and Joe Lieberman=/=MSNBC either. - Edit 1
Before modification by Joel at 02/09/2013 10:21:29 PM
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Not that are not a fair number of Rand Paul supporters that voted Obama in 2008 and whose biggest issue is anti-government and pro-pot but that really has nothing to do with what I said. The idea that Obama can lay this at feet of the republicans by just crying "obstructionism" and throwing in hands in the air is an idea from the loony left. This is a way to test the theory, if anyone on MSNBC put the idea forward you can no it come the fact free land of the far left.
Not that are not a fair number of Rand Paul supporters that voted Obama in 2008 and whose biggest issue is anti-government and pro-pot but that really has nothing to do with what I said. The idea that Obama can lay this at feet of the republicans by just crying "obstructionism" and throwing in hands in the air is an idea from the loony left. This is a way to test the theory, if anyone on MSNBC put the idea forward you can no it come the fact free land of the far left.