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Re: It made perfect sense, and I agree. Cannoli Send a noteboard - 19/08/2013 10:10:56 PM

There is a song moondog likes to quote called "Friend of the Fetus," satirizing conservatives commonly being equally and absolutely committed to the UNborn yet indifferent to the BORN. The point is quite valid and, well, "pointed," but does it not cut both ways? Caring about children certainly should not end at birth, but it should not begin there either.
Objecting to the murder of an individual does not engender any sort of responsibility for their well-being, and supporting welfare programs to prevent abortion is something akin to paying Danegeld. Conservatives support the natural rights to life, liberty and property. All three of those rights. Your right to life or liberty ends when it encroaches on my life, liberty or property. I am under no more obligation to support an entitlement program then I am to empty my wallet because a robber is holding a stranger hostage. Whatever my moral obligations in such a case, they are in that undefinable peculiar-to-each-person area that the law has no business encroaching. That's also where I place most health decisions such as the moral imperative to not abuse drugs, despite the absense of a general lawful grounding for laws governing what you put in your body (not to mention the specifically unconstitutional nature of such laws in the USA). Abortion, on the other hand, simply does not qualify, because of the aspect of taking an innocent life. The natural rights protect the right of the tax payer from being compelled to fund child-care entitlements, and the right of a child to be born. Natural law is much like Crom, god of Cimmeria, in that way. You are entitled to life and whatever liberty or property you can wring from it, and not a hell of a lot more.

Any "hypocrisy" or contradiction on the part of conservatives in this area is nothing more than a failure (deliberate or otherwise) by liberals to understand our position.

It is curious much of society sanctions deliberately doing the very thing it goes to such lengths to prevent carelessly doing.
Indeed. And as my father likes to point out, in a liberal's perfect world the following would be illegal:
- Preventing a 14 year old girl from having consensual sexual relations
- Preventing her from having an abortion
- Telling her parents about the abortion OR pregnancy without her permission
- Letting her smoke a post-coital cigarette

Aparently a woman's right to choose what she does with her body ends at the top of the uterus.

“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Parental Rights- A Rant? - 18/08/2013 05:38:13 PM 1265 Views
Part of the problem is the way we do child support and alimony - 18/08/2013 07:32:39 PM 943 Views
Rant away. - 18/08/2013 07:58:41 PM 861 Views
damn cell phones - 19/08/2013 05:54:08 PM 956 Views
My body, my choice, your paycheck... - 19/08/2013 09:40:10 PM 985 Views
I am unsure how one can be a man (especially in the South) without knowing and caring. - 19/08/2013 02:28:07 PM 953 Views
*Snip* - 19/08/2013 05:47:59 PM 1061 Views
yes it made sense, and I totally agree *NM* - 19/08/2013 09:10:31 PM 655 Views
It made perfect sense, and I agree. - 19/08/2013 09:49:54 PM 997 Views
Re: It made perfect sense, and I agree. - 19/08/2013 10:10:56 PM 1008 Views
deleted by poster - 21/08/2013 04:07:41 AM 1330 Views
Best flounce I've ever seen *NM* - 21/08/2013 02:03:07 PM 423 Views
*NM* - 22/08/2013 03:03:28 PM 437 Views
Mostly agree - 19/08/2013 09:50:16 PM 940 Views
Which Political Action Committee did you join? - 19/08/2013 06:21:07 PM 884 Views
The PC(USA) - 20/08/2013 12:43:16 AM 917 Views

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