Active Users:3020 Time:23/01/2025 02:46:05 AM
Just about every group has historically oppressed and BEEN oppressed at some time. - Edit 1

Before modification by Joel at 12/08/2013 04:01:16 AM

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One of the reasons right-wingers' hysteria about "reverse racism" is so risible.
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What is this, Bizzaro-Stormfront?

Been there. Or, well, to places similar in nature. More entertaining and interesting than you'd think, if one can put aside knee-jerk defensiveness for a spell.

They used to throw Christians to lions for entertainment; we got over it. Even if we had not, it would not justify vengefully murdering Italians today (even if most of them were not now fellow Christians.) If it did, Jews could justify murdering just about anyone: The Italians, Germans, French, Russians, Arabs; you name it.

Okay, Mideast Muslims have legitimate greivances; few dispute that, but just about everyone has a legitimate grievance against everyone else (again, the Hagia Sophia comes to mind) and it is not carte blanche for murder. So, yeah, I understand the terrorists motives, but they neither excuse nor change anything. A big part of the Mideasts problem (particularly in Israel and Palestine, which are often the crux of Islamic terrorisms complaints against the West) is that just about EVERYONE has a legitimate greivance against their foes and somehow thinks that justifies any degree of atrocity, perpetuating the interminable downward spiral of violence. In the words of Dr. Marvin Monroe, "THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO GET HEALTHY!!!"

So, y'know, congrats on explaining the problem, and I agree more finger pointing can only exacerbate it, but the solution requires more than liberal guilt.

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