That's not how it works, especially after your last citation got flipped and used against you. Besides, I'm familiar with some of those studies and while many do raise real concerns about black vs white conviction rates none suggest anything that could result in even double, let alone 3 or 5 times as much. There's no reason to believe a white person who commits a felony is convicted less than 20% as often as a black person.
Now as to those studies, many are damaged, or report very minor differences, once one factors out variables beyond skin color, it often appears otherwise because many other relevant factors like wealth, education, etc are also often statistically related to skin color.
Objective analysis of data make me 'potentially racist now?
You just did
No, you have a belief you are tied to, and thus my challenging that belief is seen as justifying a fear of black people. You arrive at this conclusion in spite of my saying I believe the justice system does discriminate against blacks, just not to the degree you claim. My own stance is a very easy one, I believe that many things can predispose people toward criminal behavior, poverty, being surrounded by other criminals or those who feel oppressed by the system, education, these things all factor in. Hell, music and culture glamorizing criminal behavior, very common in many youth-targeted art and entertainment but especially in those focused on urban youth sub-cultures (not just rap, but its a big one) play a role, albeit a 1st amendment protected role, in shaping youth behavior and subsequent crime rates. Racism is likely in there too, in many fashions, from the police and jury maybe suspecting a black person more to a young black man believing his crimes are justified because the world is unfair to him and he has few options and no moral requirement to obey the laws of a system he feels discriminates against him. Same as a country music song might glamorizing drunken brawls and a rap song might glamorize drug dealing, criminal or reckless behavior is often encouraged in various ways in various audiences. Same, being from a broken and poor home where you routinely see others better off either being white or criminal might incline a non-white to crime. But these are factors increasing the likelihood of committing a crime, not just of being seen by the police or a jury as more likely to have done so.
These are all factors, and many more, it is you, not I, over-simplifying this.
It's a bad idea to accuse someone of being racist, then say you're not saying that, then saying it again all in one paragraph. Damages credibility with the audience especially as it comes across as an attempt at a subtle accusation that very much isn't, implying you think other people reading this are stupid.
Also a bad move, with the audience, as regular posters on this site go I'm probably at or near the bottom of the list of people one can credibly advance that argument against. That I am not swayed by hard data. Not usually an effective argument against someone most of the audience knows is a scientist and statistician. I am expected to challenge data-based claims just on general principle, and routinely do so here.
Traditionally if something is difficult to prove it is considered inappropriate to claim it as fact so ironclad that even disputing it is grounds to accuse someone of racism.
The problem here is that, again, you are accusing people of racism because of their failure to accept your claims as proven fact even though you have just admitted they aren't proven. You're also accusing most of the population of thinking black people 'have no right to exist', which is a stance somewhere past even the KKK, who just want them to exist in another place or as second class citizens. That's a hell of a stance to take, that most people are worse than the frickin' Klan.
Oh no need, you've done a better job arguing against your position then I have, I'd say. Besides a 'cop out' would be your very first sentence and nothing else. About not having the time or inclination to present evidence of your claims, everything after that was just weak attempts at slandering me, not usually a feature of the 'cop out'. Also, while not having the time to research is legit grounds to withdraw, it doesn't let you claim your point has been proven.
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod