Active Users:446 Time:23/02/2025 01:34:38 AM
I think you've over-personalized this case Isaac Send a noteboard - 17/07/2013 08:00:50 PM

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View original postA person can have a self-defense case even if the other person also has an entirely valid self-defense case. They're not mutually contradictory. Now pursuit alone would be a tricky one to justify, and again it depends on the state, but it can be done, yet it still would not automatically negate the pursuers self-defense claim. Same as two people chasing a bad guy into a dark warehouse, turning the corner to see an armed man, and shooting at each other. Both have a fairly decent self-defense case because its not about who killed who, or the best action they could have taken, its about culpability for shooting.

View original postAnd that was my main point in bringing this about to begin with. The culpability to use lethal force should be a burden of proof placed on the one who used lethal force to justify why it was necessary. Otherwise, it is literally a license to kill as long as you can lie convincingly enough to a jury. Even if things change to shift the burden of proof, it can still come down to a well-concocted lie, but it is harder to continue a lie under cross-examination. I understand that many states have laws against requiring a defendant in a criminal case from being forced to testify, but in the case where justifiable homicide is involved, I think the homicide should be justified by the one who pulled the trigger and not unjustified by the state.

The issue comes back to Reasonable Doubt ultimately anyway. That's why from a pragmatic perspective the alternate burdens of proof play a lesser known role when people discuss self-defense, etc. There's intentionally no probability attached to these things, except preponderance of evidence which one could say 50%+, at least for only two realistic scenarios. But the 'better 10 guilty... 1 innocent' does attach a vague ballpark to reasonable doubt, 90%+, and that sort of damages 50%+ for two opposing scenarios because in effect you don't need 50%+ that it was self-defense, you need 10%+ of self-defense to establish its no longer 90%+ to be guilty.

And that's what it comes down to, we've decided that people don't go to prison or the chair unless it is 90%+ and that's all the defense needs. You may feel self-defense should require a lower bar, a partial shifting of the burden, but its the degree to which someone needs to prove that which really matters. No state has self-defense dialed up so high zero justification beyond the claim is needed, nor any so low that proof by the defendant needs to be beyond a reasonable doubt. What you're essentially arguing is that you object to the 'better 10 men' aspect of things. Nothing wrong there, it is a statement much easier to say as a theoretical then swallow in application since it means swallowing someone you think is 89% likely to be guilty being back out on the streets. And when you throw in recidivism rates, one would have to contemplate that if 1 in 2 murderers will do it again then for every one innocent man in prison for murder we essentially killed 5 people from not putting those 10 behind bars.

There's no getting around it though, if you feel 'more likely than not' is the proper standard for a self-defense case, you're saying its okay to sentence someone for murder if there's a 49% chance they had self-defense. So again, while self-defense does require an affirmative defense much of the time, the level is essentially whatever is needed to make it reasonable doubt.

Now in terms of intentionally murdering someone with self-defense in mind, that's much harder than it sounds like. There's no dispute who did the killing, and a SD claim has to be made pretty early on. So the investigators don't need to jump any hurdles to investigate the accused nor split focus to other scenarios. They will be digging around for everything, internet records of you googling self-defense laws in recent months for instance. Emails or witnesses establishing you knew the man, etc, and had a hostile relationship. They're probably going to find something unless you didn't know the guy or were very careful. In either case it is a hell of a lot easier to kill them and not stick around to claim SD. We don't get a lot of bogus SD claims attached to prolonged preparations for the simple reason that anyone that cautious and dedicated is likely to try a safer route. Upping the burden on the defendant to prove it was self-defense is really very unlikely to cut down on murders.

Also keep in mind that the old bit about criminals being stupid is typically very true, not just criminals as a job descriptor, but most crimes are committed (and planned, if planned) by people acting pretty stupid compared to their normal. Its easy for people to forget, because we have so much crime, that clever crimes are actually very rare when contrasted against the sheer size of our population, and the 'clever' crimes usually are non-violent anyway.

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View original postNow this is mostly wide of the point, I didn't ask you about this case, I explicitly asked you not to, and I explicitly asked what part of the law you'd change and in what fashion. I don't mind discussing vague hypothetical with you but none of that avoids the real issue. You've said the law is flawed, you really did not explain how, I know you think you did but you didn't, and you definitely did not suggest a change of wording or a clause that should be added or removed. HR looked up the law for you, I made a request, I've even replied to your own remarks unrelated to them, and I think I deserve a proper answer now.

View original postSo again, what specifically do you believe this law should say? If it makes it easier you can just paste the law and use strikethrough for negations and red text for additions. However if you can't do that, then you need to drop this 'the law is flawed' rhetoric.

View original postI am not in the practice of writing laws, so I will not use your strike and red font legend.

You should try it some time, I've had to help draft a lot of ordinance and such over the recent years, especially of late, and its changed my perspective a lot. It hammers home that law often requires specificity and that criticism of law is best done the same.

Where I will say the law should be changed, without relating specifically to this case, is that the term "aggressor" needs to be more legally defined to accommodate a situation where someone pursues another with no legal justification to do so. Consider that the code (not law that I am aware of) for community security officers such as Zimmerman requires them to stand and observe, not engage and detain. It also requires them to phone police (which he did) to report suspicious activity. By pursuing then accosting Martin, Zimmerman tried to play the hero. This portion of the law should be adjusted and/or created (if it does not exist) to create a legal framework around which a security guard cannot engage a suspect unless an actual crime is in progress. Again, referring to the case you don't want to talk about, there was no crime in progress, and Martin's only objective was to go home. Any person wanting to walk home safely from the store should be allowed to do so without fear for their lives.

The standards of the community watch someone is involved in may be of use to the defense but almost definitely not to the prosecutor. They're not legally binding, and more if its a 10 step process and the person follows, say, the first 5, then deviates from the script, what that is mostly going to establish is beneficial to the defendant, indicating they were acting with the intent of properly stopping criminal action of another, following the script, then deviated in fear and/or haste. Because it speaks to motive and to state of mind, which matter way more for SD then reality itself does. Following the script established quite strongly that person believed they were interrupting a crime, deviating part way through indicates they panicked and were afraid. That just by itself is nearly enough to justify their subsequent actions as being taken in fear for their life, and it doesn't make a drop of difference if their life was actually in danger. That's why, as I said, you can have two competing yet non-contradictory self-defense claims going on.

Also you're bringing up Zimmerman/Martin again, I'm not just telling you that you shouldn't need to, I'm telling you that it damages your entire argument to rely on that. You're essentially announcing in 40-foot high flaming letters that you want the law to have resulted in a guilty conviction in this case rather than really considering the law in general terms. And when law gets written up that way it usually results in even greater unfairness to others down the road.

That's actually fairly irrelevant of course, you objected to Florida law on SD before you read it, basically nuking the notion that you found the law in of itself flawed but rather just objected to the law based on the outcome of the case differing from what you wanted. Not a point for objectivity, especially when you were, and remain, unable to really put into words your objection to the letter of the law.

View original postAnd the other place I would change the law is as I said above, placing the burden of proof for lethal force on the shooter, and not having the state disprove the justification. The current state of affairs gives more rights to the shooter simply because not only are they not required to testify at their own defense, but they only have to claim self-defense and it is up to the state to prove they have no claim.

That's simply not so. We've discussed this, they do have a burden of proof to justify the use of force its just lesser and weighed against the ultimate burden of beyond a reasonable doubt. I don't understand the dilemma here. This is well established across the board. Killing someone is not a crime, murdering someone is, and like any other crime it must ultimately be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. The murder, not the killing. If a jury believes it's 50/50 if the killing was SD, then they must go not-guilty, because that's very reasonable doubt. So is 4:1, again the unofficial 10:1 is that range, if you're not getting near or exceeding that then the outcome isn't conviction. If a jury is presented with 8 roughly equally probable scenarios, based on evidence, and in only 1 of those 8 is SD justified, then its still not guilty. As I said, the "Better 10 men" is much easier to say then to swallow, but its what we use.

This reduces a life and death situation to "he said-she said" and should not be a part of a proceeding in which someone has been killed through the willful or not actions of the defendant. Going back to this particular case, it is my opinion that there is not enough physical evidence to justify the shooting and we are left having to judge the law based on someone who is known to habitually lie and deceive. Again, I understand that lying about a crime is yet another time-honoured tradition even older than modern society, but the person who is accused of the crime should be required to justify their actions.

Everybody lies, and people often say untrue things they believe are true even when they clearly contradict other things they're claiming. Perjury is - with good reason - tricky to prove. Eye witnesses to events, especially ones involved in them, routinely not only remember things inaccurately but remember things they want to be true, and the more they replay it the less accurate that memory becomes. This is very true of traumatic events and especially of ones where your own actions are under judgment. I've known people who shot enemies in blatant justified circumstances but before long were sick with grief and uncertainty over it and rapidly had their own version of events mutate from what others witnessed to be more guilty. I've known others who totally fucked up in a battle and before long had rewritten events to include things that justified it that didn't happen but which they truly believed did and hell I've seen others involved rewrite their own memories to be truly convinced it did. People make lousy witnesses, especially for almost any occasion we need good ones.

On any criminal matter he said she said generally results in a not guilty if that's all there is. It doesn't matter what the crime was, shoplifting or rape or murder. Now you keep talking about justification but you seem to keep ignoring that the need to justify a killing is not under discussion, its already there quite firmly. Once it has been established you've killed someone you must explain why, if you can. Inability to do so, at all or insufficiently doesn't conclude the matter though. This is why I've advised you to keep to hypotheticals.

Example: Two men are found, one dead, the other unconscious clutching a gun. He reports to have no memory of the event, but all evidence conclusively demonstrates he shot the other man.

Now this man can't really claim self-defense and justify it because he remembers nothing, but the case is not over, the state must still prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it was a murder. Again, this is the hazy nature of affirmative defense, it implies a burden of proof but it still ultimately comes back to the beyond a reasonable doubt burden on the prosecution. Yet the defense can offer nothing, the defendant remembers nothing, the defendant does not recognize the man. Now based on your prior remarks you think this person is well setup to escape justice, but not so. Motive, means, and opportunity. The last two are established, the prosecutor needs to come up with the first, if he can show the defendant did know the man, well that's pretty solid - though not definite - proof he's lying but that lie does not necessarily mean he's a murderer. He may well have met the man in passing, in his memory, but blanked out the altercation they had at the bar that led to the fight and killing, and been afraid to admit he knew him at all, or later remembered him but been afraid to change his story. From what you've been saying in this and recent posts, that act of not apparently not telling the truth should result in a conviction. But this is where we get into the practical, because that bar altercation is going to have been witnessed, forensic evidence may exist indicating who started the tussle, and so on, and it has to convince a jury beyond a reasonable doubt. Its not that rare or impossible, most murders that make it to and through a grand jury do result in convictions.

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein

King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
This message last edited by Isaac on 17/07/2013 at 08:11:57 PM
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Zimmerman = Not Guilty - 14/07/2013 04:04:07 AM 1839 Views
Any charge, other than stupidity, was rediculous. *NM* - 14/07/2013 04:24:09 AM 528 Views
Stupidity+Death= Manslaughter *NM* - 14/07/2013 05:27:39 AM 495 Views
But hey... - 14/07/2013 05:35:11 AM 1062 Views
And THAT is the scary precendent this case sets for the populace - 14/07/2013 05:28:03 PM 1193 Views
Oh puhleeze... can you get any more rediculous? *NM* - 14/07/2013 07:22:52 PM 649 Views
HyogaRott baby, you are hurting me here. Can you please stop this? - 14/07/2013 11:29:00 PM 948 Views
If inline spellcheck doesn't catch it, I probably won't either. - 15/07/2013 06:29:29 AM 894 Views
you really are small minded little bigot - 15/07/2013 03:57:01 AM 964 Views
+1 - Seriously has imlad always been this nuts? *NM* - 15/07/2013 04:32:33 AM 558 Views
Your reply is partisan and obnoxious. - 15/07/2013 02:15:13 PM 967 Views
So it was okay that he was on top of a guy, pounding his head into the pavement? - 14/07/2013 06:45:17 PM 933 Views
If you can believe Zimmerman's side of the story is 100% truth, I have a bridge for sale... - 15/07/2013 05:35:08 PM 1063 Views
do you have actual evidence to support zimmerman lied? *NM* - 16/07/2013 05:43:42 PM 527 Views
Sure - 16/07/2013 06:49:20 PM 851 Views
Re: Sure - 16/07/2013 07:53:27 PM 1002 Views
Re: Sure - 16/07/2013 10:07:13 PM 1047 Views
Re: Sure - 17/07/2013 03:26:15 AM 988 Views
The kid decided to beat a man who had a gun and got shot for it - 15/07/2013 03:46:38 AM 945 Views
In a sane world, here is how their interaction plays out - 15/07/2013 05:44:26 PM 910 Views
Yes. And the fact that he didn't simply ask him what he was doing, tells me he was racial profiling - 15/07/2013 08:59:41 PM 905 Views
The only way that statement makes sense is if it is sarcasm - 16/07/2013 12:46:59 PM 844 Views
And tomorrow I get to preach about the Good Samaritan. - 14/07/2013 05:26:50 AM 1123 Views
Where's your forgiveness?? Judge not lest ye be judged. - 14/07/2013 07:10:14 PM 888 Views
Did I say a thing about Zimmerman? No. - 14/07/2013 08:44:26 PM 1026 Views
Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. Which neighborhood watch were you referring to? - 15/07/2013 12:46:44 AM 997 Views
Float your concept of grace in front of your priest sometime. - 15/07/2013 04:31:34 AM 874 Views
Danny... - 15/07/2013 01:32:03 PM 936 Views
You'd think the rain of venom in here would make everyone's soapbox too slippery to stand on - 15/07/2013 01:05:41 PM 916 Views
+1 *NM* - 15/07/2013 06:40:15 PM 583 Views
would that be true for most of politics as well? *NM* - 16/07/2013 12:58:33 PM 547 Views
Depends on the case, but those aren't individual life and death criminal trials - 16/07/2013 01:52:00 PM 825 Views
when the president gets involved it is safe to polotics are at play. - 16/07/2013 06:23:54 PM 886 Views
That's not an unfair remark but it justifies criticizing him, not also getting involved in the case - 16/07/2013 06:59:53 PM 896 Views
When a case shows glaring holes in the law, it should by nature cause those laws to be reconsidered - 16/07/2013 07:18:57 PM 975 Views
I'm not sure what those 'glaring holes' are, but a specific person shouldn't be needed to show them - 16/07/2013 08:18:38 PM 882 Views
It is a bit difficult to not use the case when the specificity of the case is the problem.... - 16/07/2013 11:06:59 PM 956 Views
I sympathize with that but I think it remains a moral necessity to do so - 17/07/2013 12:14:39 AM 1029 Views
Re: I sympathize with that but I think it remains a moral necessity to do so - 17/07/2013 05:29:56 PM 1012 Views
I think you've over-personalized this case - 17/07/2013 08:00:50 PM 965 Views
I think this case is simply the closest example at hand of a perceived lack of justice - 17/07/2013 10:34:38 PM 993 Views
Re: I think this case is simply the closest example at hand of a perceived lack of justice - 18/07/2013 01:39:17 AM 1140 Views
Jury instructions - 18/07/2013 04:12:29 AM 1089 Views
Jury Instructions 2 - 18/07/2013 06:22:33 PM 946 Views
I just want to comment on two points from your reply - 19/07/2013 09:47:06 PM 844 Views
I'm pretty throughly exhausted of this - 19/07/2013 10:46:22 PM 944 Views
Nice. - 16/07/2013 09:01:50 PM 1044 Views
Thanks - 16/07/2013 09:48:00 PM 872 Views
Well said. - 17/07/2013 02:25:36 PM 1043 Views
it is possible to discuss a case based on what the evidence shows - 17/07/2013 06:03:05 PM 998 Views
Of course it is possible, one just fails to see how it can serve any good end - 17/07/2013 09:43:02 PM 889 Views
Exactly. *NM* - 18/07/2013 02:08:25 AM 612 Views
That just brings us full circle to my orignal reply to you - 18/07/2013 02:52:15 AM 930 Views
Re: That just brings us full circle to my orignal reply to you - 18/07/2013 04:09:51 AM 1040 Views
are agree with your general concept - 18/07/2013 05:20:41 PM 1171 Views
Good. - 15/07/2013 02:11:12 PM 862 Views
Perhaps one day black people will have the same rights as whites in the US - 15/07/2013 05:30:00 PM 1029 Views
Congratulations on making one of the dumbest statemets of the year. *NM* - 15/07/2013 09:00:46 PM 592 Views
You have tried retroatcively making Martin a criminal here, despite him doing nothing wrong - 15/07/2013 10:52:32 PM 915 Views
So you support attacking creepy crackers who you think are following you? - 16/07/2013 12:56:52 PM 905 Views
The law suggests that if I fear for my safety, I am justified in attacking first in self-defense - 18/07/2013 11:00:58 PM 993 Views
there is zero evidience to support that assumption - 19/07/2013 04:25:15 AM 850 Views
Let's see - Martin was using drugs..... - 16/07/2013 04:56:13 PM 898 Views
Does that mean he should have been hunted down and shot? *NM* - 16/07/2013 05:22:43 PM 542 Views
He wasn't, so your question is irrelevant. - 16/07/2013 05:37:27 PM 828 Views

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