Active Users:2757 Time:22/01/2025 09:35:05 PM
You'd think the rain of venom in here would make everyone's soapbox too slippery to stand on - Edit 1

Before modification by Isaac at 15/07/2013 01:19:00 PM

A Jury has spoken, time for everyone to pack up their soapboxes and ride away on their high horses until the next judicial circus appears touting itself as the 'trial of the century'. Then everyone can pretend they're lawyers again or jurors, the latter being especially ironic considering the effort most folk go to to get out of jury duty. Probably worth mentioning though that if you actually want to sit on a jury for a specific case it's one of the best reasons I can think of to disqualify you from it.

I know everyone thinks they're right and objective on this issue, but you're not and that's absurd, because if you're voluntarily taking up your time to follow the case, especially to the point of being able to claim you parallel the jury in knowledge of it, then you're way too interested in this case to have been objective going in. And if you're biased going in, you're biased coming out too. That's why we don't take volunteers for juries. Don't delude yourself into thinking that by paying rapt attention to this case you're serving a good cause or being a good citizen, to most people watching this its just another version of Reality TV and they're just letting people pull their emotional strings like a puppet. You can't effect what other people choose to watch but you can at least exempt yourself from the mob.

I'd love to blame the media for whipping up interest on this, but that's no fairer then a man having an affair blaming the hooker for it. The media has acted like a bunch of whores on this and many other trials, but I'm more disgusted with everyone who keeps paying them. If you like trials, go watch Law & Order, or go pass bar exam so you can at least opine from expertise. Our justice system is not a goddamn sporting event there to amuse you.

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