I stay out of legal hearings, not my business unless I'm a juror, so I've no idea if that lady was punished properly and don't plan to research it, but she wasn't sent to jail for firing a warning shot, that may be what happened but she was sent to jail for aggravated assault. The woman has apparently been found guilty, and plead guilty, to domestic abuse in the past and the claim - true or not - is that it was not a warning shot against an aggressor but an outright threat against a spouse seeking to flee abuse. Swap genders and it reads differently, but woman can actually be physically abusive to their spouses same as men. Now, was that what happened? No idea, but a jury thought it was, and that's what she went to jail for, not because a jury thought she was firing a warning shot against an aggressor. Juries aren't infallible but they rarely convict without fairly solid evidence.
But if you do feel she's telling the truth and has been over-sentenced in your eyes, that doesn't justify over-sentencing someone else. And you said 'KILLS someone with a gun', you didn't say or imply a murder, even if she did just fire a warning shot on legitimate grounds that's no reason to assume anyone who kills another should be getting life imprisonment, premeditated murder? Yeah, but even an unjustified killing or unnecessary killing doesn't automatically rate execution or life imprisonment, that's why we have things like manslaughter or negligent homicide.
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod