Active Users:692 Time:23/02/2025 11:46:20 AM
No, I really don't think so. Legolas Send a noteboard - 25/05/2013 11:18:05 AM

View original postIf a Christian killed a Muslim and then another Muslim came on this board complaining about violent Christians, and I said something like "I hate it when Muslims look down their noses at Christianity when their own religion has had all sorts of violent terrorists," I doubt anyone would be calling the Muslim out for defending his religion and its followers, even if I didn't personally say he himself was one of those terrorists. And I doubt anyone would be taking my side, either. At the very least, I'd be told I should have phrased my comment in a less inflammatory way and clarified exactly who I was tarring with my nasty little brush. And understandably so. But those rules don't apply when it's Christians being treated that way. Instead, we are told we're either too thin-skinned, are told we should have given the original poster the benefit of the doubt and assumed the most positive interpretation of his words is what he meant, or told our objection proves the other person's point. What I see here is blatant favoritism, regardless of how well you guys try to dress it up.

You do, I hope, realize that Ghavrel is a Christian, yes? Who would not exactly be inclined to approve of ludicrous suggestions that his faith is somehow inherently violent. I'm not a Christian myself, but I wouldn't approve of it either.

And as for "favoritism", did you even read the sentences in Ghavrel's earlier post that preceded the "when Christians look down their nose at Islam" one? Your hypothetical Muslim visitor could well take offense at that as much or more than at your statement mirroring Ghav's above. There is nobody in this thread who is guilty of the blatant favoritism that you complain about - plenty of them to be found in the wider world, I've no doubt, but then go complain to them there.

View original postWhen a Muslim does something terrible today it absolutely has no bearing on how we should view or treat any other Muslim and in no way justifies any sort of retaliatory actions towards them.

"Justify" is always a subjective concept, and again, Jeordam is right when he says that at the end of the day people are responsible for the actions they commit, whatever their justifications. All the same, it's important to take context and background into account, both for moral reasons - I think we can agree, in the abstract, that there are circumstances in which killing a man is less reprehensible than in others - and for the sake of determining what the best policies towards the group in question are.

In many, perhaps most cases, the justifications that terrorist use are particularly flimsy in the sense that they can't even claim to have suffered personally from the supposed evil that they are attacking. The 9/11 bombers are cases in point, as are those Chechens who committed the Boston bombing - "retaliating" for what happened in Chechnya, despite not having experienced it all first-hand. That is where the part about identifying and feeling connected to people in different times and places comes in, which is something we all do - partially as conscious choice, partially also inevitably through our upbringing and education.

Of course, most of us are not led to violent crime as a consequence of it. Most Muslims are not, either. Often you see a terrorist claiming to retaliate for something he didn't actually live through, while those who DID live through it don't commit such horrible acts and merely try to go on with their lives.

When a Muslim does something terrible today, it may well have a bearing on how you view or treat other Muslims. In a perfect world it shouldn't, indeed, but this is hardly a perfect world. And as for "justifying" retaliatory attacks, like I said, justifications are never objectively right or objectively wrong, but sure, it could do so to the same extent as the reverse would have done on the other side.

The main difference, and the reason no doubt for your claims of double standards, is that most denominations of Islam are in a serious crisis. There are so many different violent or less violent conflicts, essentially political but in which Islam is involved one way or another, that the context is simply so much more complicated than for your hypothetical Christian who feels inclined to retaliate for something horrible a Muslim terrorist has done.

View original postWhen a Christian did something terrible 300 years ago, it is still relevant today and should be taken into account when deciding how valid any other Christian's opinion or beliefs are. It also at least partially justifies retaliatory actions against them today because we don't live in a bubble and actions in the past can come back to haunt us in the present.

You fail again to grasp the essential distinction between "Christian" and "Christianity", and more importantly in the context of the thread the analogous distinction between "Muslim" and "Islam". You dismissed my previous explanation out of hand further below, but perhaps you'll listen this time. When one makes statements about "Christianity" or "Islam", every single believer of those faiths will feel personally concerned - flattered or insulted as the case may be. But there is no single Christianity and no single Islam (except on the purely theological level where you can try to find points on which all believers of a faith agree). Even less so when you look at the history of a faith as well as its current incarnations, as you must. Which is where the part comes in about how Ghavrel and I disapprove of how Christians look down their nose at Islam, claiming that Christianity as a religion is superior to Islam as a religion. As opposed to looking down their nose at certain Muslims or groups of Muslims, which is very different, and which will also allow the Muslims who agree with them to say so.

View original postAnd my point was that you were acting like he identified with them automatically and that proved your point, when instead, he identified with them because the initial argument lumped him in with them and continued from there.

Really? Can you show me the sentence where the initial argument lumped him, personally, in with them?

If you or Jeo want to claim that my point about identifying with people in other times and places does not apply to you, well, to be honest I strongly doubt I'll believe you, but go ahead. It would undermine the way I tried using Jeo's own words to illustrate a point, that's true, but not the point itself.

Edit to tone down the subject of my post.

This message last edited by Legolas on 25/05/2013 at 11:18:38 AM
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Maybe it is time to start treating muslims a little differently? - 23/05/2013 03:55:28 AM 2685 Views
Nah, you're just a bigot. *NM* - 23/05/2013 08:21:33 AM 779 Views
Yes, I am against religions that call for violence. *NM* - 23/05/2013 12:23:31 PM 686 Views
Wasn't aware you were against Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Shinto... *NM* - 23/05/2013 12:59:04 PM 758 Views
Where does Christianity call for violence? - 23/05/2013 03:55:11 PM 1203 Views
Dueteronomy 13: 1-5 states that you must kill prophets of other religions. - 23/05/2013 07:44:48 PM 1279 Views
The Old Testament is not Christianity. It is where Christianity CAME from. *NM* - 23/05/2013 09:25:12 PM 704 Views
FALSE! - 24/05/2013 01:41:50 PM 1310 Views
*sigh* And in fulfilling the "law" he created a new covenant which supplanted the old.. - 24/05/2013 06:09:43 PM 1264 Views
All the death of Christ did was attone for the sins of the world. - 26/05/2013 03:00:26 AM 1413 Views
Sorry, you are wrong. - 28/05/2013 04:17:51 PM 1273 Views
No. The New Covenant SUPPLEMENTS, not supplants, the Old. - 12/08/2013 02:45:55 AM 1565 Views
Ok....and? - 23/05/2013 10:36:55 PM 1136 Views
You might want to slap some qualifiers on there *NM* - 23/05/2013 07:50:43 PM 745 Views
Actually, I very intentionally didn't put any qualifiers on that... - 23/05/2013 10:38:24 PM 1207 Views
The Cleansing of the Temple shows a legitimized use of physical force. *NM* - 24/05/2013 05:05:55 AM 791 Views
Oh, boo hoo.... - 24/05/2013 03:50:18 PM 1272 Views
LOL. - 24/05/2013 04:45:50 PM 1204 Views
Violence.... - 24/05/2013 05:32:47 PM 1196 Views
Whipping people to drive them away of something is violence. It's not negotiable. - 24/05/2013 06:06:42 PM 1071 Views
You are something... - 24/05/2013 06:29:03 PM 1134 Views
Also, spanking has been pretty soundly debunked as good parenting. Maybe not a good analogy. *NM* - 24/05/2013 06:16:18 PM 759 Views
Because children are more behaved now.... - 24/05/2013 06:21:43 PM 1120 Views
I don't favor spanking but the studies 'debunking it' are mostly 'bunk' - 24/05/2013 10:29:28 PM 1216 Views
Yes. - 24/05/2013 10:42:51 PM 1136 Views
Re: Yes. - 25/05/2013 12:22:56 AM 1172 Views
You know better than that. - 25/05/2013 06:52:32 AM 1193 Views
I think you just claimed that my statement as to my opinion is anecdotal evidence of that opinion - 25/05/2013 09:26:21 AM 1280 Views
I was talking about your reference to your upbringing as relevant to the statistical trend. *NM* - 25/05/2013 09:49:19 AM 693 Views
Yes, but I wasn't claiming it was relevant in that way - 25/05/2013 10:15:52 AM 1156 Views
... ? *NM* - 25/05/2013 12:58:43 PM 733 Views
I couldn't remember the code for *NM* - 25/05/2013 07:57:48 PM 686 Views
I wouldn't belong to any other kind of religion. - 25/05/2013 01:21:45 AM 1169 Views
And the night was finished with a mob of white men attacking the police in the name of bigotry - 23/05/2013 09:51:02 AM 1090 Views
In the name of a religion that preaches violence? - 23/05/2013 12:21:59 PM 1249 Views
Islam "preaches" violence just about as much as Christianity does. - 23/05/2013 12:46:00 PM 1179 Views
it's actually pretty funny because many people understand Islam to, derivatively, mean peace - 23/05/2013 01:44:18 PM 1190 Views
Your argument is logically flawed - 23/05/2013 02:02:33 PM 1271 Views
Re: Your argument is logically flawed - 23/05/2013 02:34:22 PM 1285 Views
No, it actaully does not. - 23/05/2013 01:51:51 PM 1266 Views
Maybe they will be, I don't know, KILLED for standing up - 23/05/2013 02:24:59 PM 1057 Views
Exactly - 23/05/2013 03:52:25 PM 1191 Views
Couple of things - 23/05/2013 08:13:57 PM 1511 Views
Unfortunately they are NOT consistant in their messaging... see my link - 23/05/2013 09:30:53 PM 1354 Views
Really? Of all the criticisms you could make of Qaradawi, you whine about that? - 23/05/2013 09:58:50 PM 1213 Views
I think the key point there is that the MCB supported him for a visa in spite of that... - 23/05/2013 11:05:14 PM 1174 Views
So much for my attempt to bring a little levity to things. - 24/05/2013 08:07:24 PM 1215 Views
My ability to detect humor and sarcasm in writing is very sporadic - 24/05/2013 10:28:03 PM 1073 Views
That's a shame. - 24/05/2013 11:55:37 PM 1018 Views
Re: That's a shame. - 25/05/2013 02:25:31 AM 1106 Views
Re: That's a shame. - 25/05/2013 12:17:13 PM 1024 Views
Sure, I'll bite. - 23/05/2013 09:23:54 PM 1207 Views
Until the "unwashed masses" no longer show up dancing in the streets... - 23/05/2013 09:40:59 PM 1112 Views
I hope you like black and white. - 23/05/2013 09:50:03 PM 1066 Views
Not sure which point you think I missed that I should have responded to... - 24/05/2013 01:52:20 AM 1139 Views
I think I must have confused you. - 24/05/2013 08:46:42 PM 1032 Views
I suppose that depends on which "points" precisely you thought you were making. - 23/05/2013 09:54:55 PM 1124 Views
Not really - 24/05/2013 02:36:41 AM 1149 Views
Yawn. Bored now. - 24/05/2013 08:18:27 PM 1080 Views
whatever *NM* - 28/05/2013 04:18:56 PM 632 Views
Do "unwashed masses" publicly APOLOGIZING for terrorism count? - 12/08/2013 03:04:56 AM 1389 Views
Re: No, it actaully does not. - 24/05/2013 02:29:04 AM 1261 Views
Now let's not start with bullshit here - 23/05/2013 01:54:48 PM 1477 Views
Tom, this is a rare occurance when we agree. - 23/05/2013 03:59:49 PM 1059 Views
That may be so, but the response was addressed to Ben. - 23/05/2013 04:13:47 PM 1191 Views
Oops, my bad messed up reading the discussion tree... - 23/05/2013 06:15:34 PM 1160 Views
I don't approve of a great deal of popular Islamic thought. - 24/05/2013 05:13:51 AM 1298 Views
My thoughts exactly. *NM* - 24/05/2013 09:13:18 AM 637 Views
I agree. *NM* - 24/05/2013 12:05:46 PM 699 Views
Do you think that it will truly happen? - 24/05/2013 05:47:50 PM 1255 Views
Might have something to do with colonialists ruining everything they can get their hands on. - 24/05/2013 06:09:13 PM 1114 Views
Oh, so its our fault... - 24/05/2013 06:38:14 PM 1150 Views
It's always our fault *NM* - 24/05/2013 07:40:24 PM 823 Views
In general, I agree - 24/05/2013 09:01:53 PM 1285 Views
That word "our" is interesting, don't you think? - 24/05/2013 09:09:24 PM 1126 Views
That was beautiful. *NM* - 24/05/2013 09:12:09 PM 753 Views
No, Ghavrel was doing that - 25/05/2013 12:03:09 AM 1222 Views
I'm sure we all do it, that's kind of the point. - 25/05/2013 12:26:25 AM 1069 Views
but apparently it's only okay for some groups/people and not others. - 25/05/2013 02:20:21 AM 1271 Views
Exactly. - 25/05/2013 06:26:57 AM 1180 Views
Hyperbole? - 25/05/2013 09:57:56 PM 1021 Views
Has anyone ever told you that? - 25/05/2013 10:33:32 PM 1274 Views
No, I really don't think so. - 25/05/2013 11:18:05 AM 1082 Views
*bashes face against keyboard in frustration* - 25/05/2013 09:28:58 PM 1078 Views
Perhaps I should bow out and let Ghavrel speak for himself, then. - 25/05/2013 09:53:28 PM 1226 Views
It's accurate. *NM* - 25/05/2013 10:25:04 PM 711 Views
Re: but apparently it's only okay for some groups/people and not others. - 25/05/2013 09:49:48 PM 1128 Views
Re: but apparently it's only okay for some groups/people and not others. - 26/05/2013 12:48:45 AM 1249 Views
Hm - 26/05/2013 10:10:49 AM 1197 Views
Also, yeah. Historically oppressive groups aren't equal to historically oppressed groups. - 25/05/2013 10:31:58 PM 1216 Views
Too simplistic AND a blatant justification for double standards I thought you didn't have - 26/05/2013 01:02:07 AM 1175 Views
That's not racism. Racism requires systematic oppression. *NM* - 26/05/2013 01:14:08 AM 695 Views
No - 26/05/2013 01:57:11 AM 1213 Views
Where whitey firmly belongs, in no small part because of posts like that. - 26/05/2013 02:00:59 AM 1177 Views
Lulz, you're claiming every member of a group deserves something because of what I said? - 26/05/2013 02:11:36 AM 1149 Views
And now you know how Muslims feel. *NM* - 26/05/2013 03:48:33 AM 721 Views
I already knew - 26/05/2013 04:02:02 AM 1107 Views
No. - 25/05/2013 10:28:24 PM 1125 Views
What a load of bullshit. - 25/05/2013 06:14:02 AM 1133 Views
This is why I want to get the HELL out of there. - 12/08/2013 04:16:39 AM 1290 Views
The difference with Islam is they lost the empire game but they were conquers - 27/05/2013 12:42:05 AM 1261 Views
I'm gonna have to disagree with some of that. - 27/05/2013 07:06:53 PM 1104 Views
Yes it was very complex and the Crusaders were not saints (even the sainted ones) - 29/05/2013 04:15:57 AM 1206 Views
Fair enough on all counts, then. *NM* - 29/05/2013 07:37:34 PM 674 Views
Some of my ancestors lived and caved and bashed each over the heads with rocks - 26/05/2013 04:38:56 PM 1147 Views
Well yes. - 26/05/2013 05:08:08 PM 1106 Views
I would prefer to say that - 27/05/2013 01:26:57 AM 1317 Views
Of course you would. - 27/05/2013 10:19:46 AM 1224 Views
I in no way support profiling people based on race or religion - 29/05/2013 04:11:01 AM 1286 Views
Ok. - 29/05/2013 08:54:34 PM 1288 Views
I think about the evolution of Western religion a lot. - 12/08/2013 03:23:37 AM 1513 Views
There has been 14,000+ terrorist actions in the name of Islam since 9/11. - 24/05/2013 03:30:30 AM 1363 Views
That isn't a grown up answer. - 23/05/2013 04:35:16 PM 1229 Views
Re: In the name of a religion that preaches violence? - 23/05/2013 07:28:42 PM 1203 Views
His head will only be chopped off is he draws or insults Muhammad! *NM* - 24/05/2013 03:34:21 AM 734 Views
What does he have to do to get on TV? *NM* - 24/05/2013 07:45:53 PM 666 Views
Statistically - 24/05/2013 10:22:29 AM 1278 Views
What kind of horrifying bugs to you guys HAVE over there??? - 24/05/2013 02:13:23 PM 1255 Views
Hardly any - 24/05/2013 02:16:46 PM 1378 Views
I think probably not. - 23/05/2013 07:57:53 PM 1158 Views
See Tom's post above for the facts..... *NM* - 24/05/2013 03:36:18 AM 661 Views
That your original post was absurd? Thank you, but I got that on my own. *NM* - 24/05/2013 09:09:21 PM 651 Views
It shows what a silly little fool you are, but that's your choice. *NM* - 24/05/2013 09:19:04 PM 641 Views
Hey man, you're the one who told me Tom's post had the facts. - 24/05/2013 09:20:53 PM 1088 Views
It means exactly what I said. He did a great job! *NM* - 24/05/2013 09:23:44 PM 690 Views
Yes, he did. - 24/05/2013 09:30:42 PM 1144 Views
Also, don't tell him I said I take him seriously. *NM* - 24/05/2013 09:34:59 PM 681 Views
But wouldn't religion-based profile activities... - 23/05/2013 10:54:33 PM 1078 Views
My brain is slow right now, but I think I completely agree. - 23/05/2013 11:00:31 PM 1185 Views
You mean like this? - 24/05/2013 08:15:16 PM 1263 Views
Sorry bu the comparison isn't valid - 25/05/2013 09:50:34 PM 1088 Views
+1 - Larry is an honest guy and will realize his error. *NM* - 25/05/2013 10:53:14 PM 684 Views
Numbers alone do not change the validity of such - 25/05/2013 11:15:17 PM 1168 Views
Yes it does. - 26/05/2013 12:23:27 AM 1170 Views
*sigh* - 26/05/2013 12:46:49 AM 1044 Views
no liberalisn is sane and well thought in comparison - 26/05/2013 04:04:39 PM 1049 Views
no but they do tell a story - 26/05/2013 04:27:26 PM 1005 Views
UPDATE - Cleric/Teacher of one of the murderers praises him for "courage". - 24/05/2013 09:22:24 PM 1190 Views
Do you have a functional link? *NM* - 25/05/2013 12:19:01 AM 695 Views
The link works for me (Yahoo news) - here is the text. - 25/05/2013 02:05:41 AM 1335 Views
Re: Maybe it is time to start treating muslims a little differently? - 27/05/2013 02:28:31 PM 1763 Views
Please have a look at the attached list and tell me who "they" are, exactly. - 27/05/2013 03:22:41 PM 1220 Views
Just as a little aside - 28/05/2013 12:51:48 AM 1098 Views
Ever helpful. - 28/05/2013 10:23:12 PM 1292 Views
Re: Please have a look at the attached list and tell me who "they" are, exactly. - 28/05/2013 04:56:55 PM 1660 Views
Re: Please have a look at the attached list and tell me who "they" are, exactly. - 28/05/2013 10:18:40 PM 1255 Views
Re: Please have a look at the attached list and tell me who "they" are, exactly. - 29/05/2013 08:57:17 PM 1705 Views
I'm having warm feelings. - 29/05/2013 09:38:45 PM 1250 Views
Re: I'm having warm feelings. - 30/05/2013 12:46:57 AM 1557 Views
"Who else? Major League Baseball. " - 12/08/2013 04:34:48 AM 1475 Views
I can't believe I missed this thread. *NM* - 01/06/2013 10:08:08 AM 931 Views
How much did you miss it, really? - 12/08/2013 04:38:21 AM 1183 Views

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