No, the words presumption of innocence aren't in there, they aren't new, it was in common law way back to the roman empire, and was already a regular feature of criminal law, its not some new thing they found one day. It is also clear as day by the very nature of the 4th and 6th amendments. Are you taking the stance that the did not favor that?
Now I say pedantic to be kind because your comment was 'incomprehensible', and if you find the notion that presumption of innocence isn't a core principle of the constitution so alien as to be beyond your ability to comprehend, even if you disagree, you're going the opposite route of pedantic into 'dumb remark'
So next time, skip the insulting hyperbole minus any justifying commentary and just say "presumption of innocence isn't explicitly listed in the Constitution, and has limited application outside of criminal law" rather than acting like he said "The Founder Fathers were deeply motivated by a belief that pigs should not be housed inside aboard naval vessels"
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod