This is the first growing season I'll spend in this house, so I haven't had time to prepare. I will do the "lazy gardening" most likely, which will be finding pre-grown plants and sticking them in the ground. I don't have much space, and it will be pretty simple: Do I have enough sun left, and if not, will this do anything in the shade?
I know I'll have herbs. I don't like existing w/o them. Most likely a lot of lettuces. Probably strawberries. Blueberries, but I'm not sure how well that will work.
We already have planted two apple trees, but it will be awhile before we get anything off them.
we got a lot of lemons on our lemon tree not long after putting it in the ground last may/june, but they didn't ripen up until january this year. blueberries are pretty low maintenance i think -- at least, mine seem to be thriving despite my lack of attention to them of course, that part of the yard they're in is constantly moist underground so i probably never have to water them ever again. blueberries prefer acidic soils, so that is the only thing i could impart to your project. the easiest way to keep them acidic is to put pine needles around the base of the trunk and/or periodically "water" them with black coffee. i was also told to put coffee grounds down first before planting them, but my soil is already slightly acidic so i honestly don't know how much that helped them.
"That's the trouble with political jokes in this country... they get elected!" -- Dave Lippman