The entire Bible is the Word of whether Jesus specifically said it or not is not relevant. It is interesting to note that Jesus (and the rest of the Bible) is not a big fan of abusing/neglecting children. Yet we as a society are totally cool with it. The Bible is very clear about sexual sins, yet we as a society asked to be unashamed of it. The Bible is very very clear that the only path to God is through Jesus, yet we as a society dare not say that.
And most relevant to this thread, the Bible is very clear that it is the church's job to care for the poor. It is the Christian who is to decide to do love their neighbor as care for the widow, orphan, or the alien in their land. It is the Christian's job to have compassion on the feed them, clothe them, and/or visit them in jail. And in caring for that person, to share with them the message of Salvation that is found in Jesus alone.
The government is not equipped (nor is it allowed) to minister (minister as defined as care for the poor's material needs & share with them the message of Salvation) to the poor. And I think herein is the problem...the aspect of forced charity. I have no problem helping those in need, but I resent being forced to do so.
Saving the Princess, Humanity, or the World-Entire since 1985