1a: I do not admit to TRYING to make SS look bad, I AM PROVING THAT IT IS BAD. There is a difference. You obviously think I ma wrong, prove it. YOU show me some math that makes SS look like anything but crap. I dare you.
1b: It is post tax not pre-tax. I too incorrectly thought it was a pre-tax withholding until I was corrected a few months ago when I had this discussion in a different forum. Try using Google.
1c: 7.5, 6.2, 12.4, 15, whatever, it is still more than my my chosen percentage of 4% and it returns MUCH less money. Allow me to have that 4%, and Uncle Sam can keep his medicare too. With 8K a month in income, I can buy my own freaking health insurance. (BTW, I used 7.5/7.5 because that is the commonly cited number split I was aware then that it was not exact but frankly I didn't care; because as long as it is above my 4% that far outperforms SS, it is irrelevant)
2: What part of "only put money in the stock market that you can leave alone for 5 years" are you not understanding? Market drops, so what, you wait and let it come back up again. If you don't have the luxury of being able to wait, you don't put the money there; doing so is stupid. It is REAL freaking simple.
3: I'm a parasite because I don't want to rely on others to take care of me in my old age... Not sure you you equate that position and the word logic. I challenge you to find any post of mine ANYWHERE, in any forum, in which I advocate for ending Social Security, or even altering it, for anyone currently receiving it or so close to it that there is no other alternative for them. Here is a clue, you won't find one. Nor has anyone, contrary to lots of propaganda, from any political party (specifically the Republican party) done so. Get a clue, and loose the rhetoric. I have posted the math, and the math is 100% accurate. I know you prefer to ignore anything you don't agree with, so be it. As for your threat to not respond,... yay. Until you have something substantial, I'd really prefer you didn't post. Some day I hope you will post an intelligent or insightful political comment, but thus far my hopes have been in vein.