Active Users:488 Time:10/03/2025 02:51:18 AM
Sustainable often means profitable, they are not universally synonmous but both at once is ideal Isaac Send a noteboard - 04/03/2013 12:25:45 PM

We're getting pretty long here so let me touch on jsut one or two points

View original postI not only can but YOU DID: "Any given year in which the number of people 18-65 outnumber the number of people 65+ that SS doesn't bring in more than it shells out would represent an epic disaster of mismanagement."

Bad phrasing on my part, the intent of the comment is to say that if the number of people in the accumulation phase outnumber those in the distribution phase it is possible to have more in than out, obviously this isn't true if the distribution phase pays out more per average person per unit time then the accumulation phase takes in per average person per unit of time except to the degree supported by profit from savings/investment in excess of inflation. If we were talking about glass beads everyone put into the communal heap at a rate of one per day for X number of years and withdrew for Y number of years at the same rate the comment functions. More properly "Any system which maintains an equal or higher rate of accumulation than distribution which relies on perpetual growth is non-sustainable, and hardly requires applause when it achieves a surplus via a parallel to a Pyramid Scheme."

Or "A group that traditionally has been very worried about population growth seems bizarre to tie the sustainability of its entitlement system to said growth continuing forever and consistently."

View original postBy that definition defaulting on most federal debt would be moral within 20 years. Even if that were moral it could never be tenable. YOU tell my mom it is "moral" to deny her SS benefits after she paid into the system her whole life. Do not kid yourself that argument will get easier to sell once most Boomers are gone and retiree numbers fall. We do not have that kind of time, but if we did the "Baby Bust" would reduce much of SSs funding problems. But you will NEVER convince most adults who lived through the past decade they are better off putting their retirement savings in the hands of Lehman Bros. or Ken Lay than the federal governments.

I didn't say I think we should default or that it would even be moral, but that is the reasoning used by many a bankrupt nation or even old family when justifying welching on debts and its hardly utterly absent of logic. Nations can avoid this problem entirely by simply not deficit spending without extreme need.

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein

King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
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Can You Name the Largest US Program to ANNUALLY Collect More Than It Spent for 75 Straight Years? - 28/02/2013 11:03:18 PM 1370 Views
It's the world's greatest Ponzi scheme, since the government forces us to give money to it. - 01/03/2013 01:05:05 PM 802 Views
Yes, "government forcing people to give money" defines a Ponzi; speeding tickets are Ponzis. - 01/03/2013 03:53:02 PM 894 Views
Good lord my friend..... - 02/03/2013 04:19:35 AM 837 Views
I will just link what Isaac said; maybe then you will pay attention to it. - 02/03/2013 04:56:34 AM 883 Views
I really think you terribly misread what I said *NM* - 02/03/2013 06:59:56 AM 457 Views
Yes he did. He has very poor reading comprehension skills. *NM* - 03/03/2013 01:07:59 AM 478 Views
I really do not think I did. - 04/03/2013 01:43:02 AM 916 Views
I'm pretty confident you have - 04/03/2013 11:49:19 AM 899 Views
We evidently disagree on what constitutes a Ponzi scheme. - 11/03/2013 09:56:27 PM 825 Views
No, I agree with a clear definiton, you seem not to want to absorb that - 11/03/2013 10:24:47 PM 978 Views
It is neither an investment nor fraudulent. - 12/03/2013 02:34:09 AM 1045 Views
Okay, that's a really weird or naive standard to judge SS by - 01/03/2013 05:25:11 PM 848 Views
Great; will you put that on a postcard to Cannoli, A2K, Rick Perry and the rest of your party? - 01/03/2013 07:39:44 PM 873 Views
I don't think I'd be telling them anything they don't already know... I mostly agree with them - 02/03/2013 05:38:56 AM 995 Views
"Sustainable"=/="profitable;" bankruptcy was not always a given, as your fellows claim.. - 04/03/2013 01:35:04 AM 807 Views
Sustainable often means profitable, they are not universally synonmous but both at once is ideal - 04/03/2013 12:25:45 PM 796 Views
Your attacks on republican ideals would have more credit if you understood them - 02/03/2013 04:27:34 AM 859 Views
aH yes the great liberal investmetn/retirement plan that offers me a NEGATIGVE rate of return... - 02/03/2013 11:51:50 AM 776 Views
Do you sincerely believe people earning $14,560/year can afford investing 4% of it? - 04/03/2013 12:53:30 AM 935 Views
*sigh* - 04/03/2013 03:43:08 AM 773 Views
I tried it with compound interest; $44.80/month at 4% for 50 years still does not get to $1.25 mill. - 04/03/2013 04:24:51 AM 843 Views
Here are some clues. - 04/03/2013 04:37:39 AM 721 Views
It is math, not the Riddle of the Sphinx: EIther it adds up or does not. - 04/03/2013 05:02:39 AM 856 Views
Math is simple - Either you know how to calculate it or you don't - 04/03/2013 11:55:24 AM 943 Views
Indeed. - 11/03/2013 09:53:59 PM 858 Views
Re: Indeed. - 13/03/2013 05:00:10 PM 1005 Views
SS is supposed to supplement a proper pension, not provide your sole income after retirement - 05/03/2013 03:53:03 AM 726 Views
Did you bother to actually read anything? - 05/03/2013 02:32:16 PM 793 Views
do *YOU* know what "living in poverty" means? - 05/03/2013 05:49:14 PM 861 Views
Re: do *YOU* know what "living in poverty" means? --- yeah, I've BEEN there. - 05/03/2013 08:01:33 PM 828 Views
how about respond to a post with logic and civility instead of being a troll for once? - 05/03/2013 11:03:00 PM 933 Views
All I have used is civility and logic, or least as much civility as was warrented. - 06/03/2013 04:28:04 AM 866 Views
yeah, it's my fault for stooping to your level.... - 08/03/2013 07:22:24 PM 914 Views
Re: yeah, it's my fault for stooping to your level.... - 10/03/2013 01:42:26 PM 791 Views
i'm not going to keep going in circles so i will finish with this.... - 11/03/2013 10:08:53 PM 1099 Views
No loss. - 13/03/2013 04:37:41 PM 724 Views
"Rah! Rah! Rah!" Can we please cut out all this blather and bile? - 05/03/2013 11:53:41 PM 804 Views
spoken like a true enemy of the state! - 06/03/2013 12:54:38 AM 772 Views
Re: spoken like a true enemy of the state! - 08/03/2013 03:04:37 PM 823 Views
I was not trolling, but clarifying. - 11/03/2013 09:53:48 PM 857 Views

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