I don't consider it a Ponzi scheme, I think it currently relies on unsustainable methods and that many who resist fixing it either have the blind resistance of someone being fooled in a Ponzi scheme or the malicious self-centered attitude of the one who set it up. I doubt there are many of the latter. This just reflects my general disagreement with most people, left or right or mod, that the opposition has a disproportionate number of scumbags.
No, my attitude on SS, beyond my ideological objections to the current form and my pragmatic objections to its administration, is simply that it is unsustainable as it is in conjunction how we are. That lack of stability relates to the payments at their current level exceeding what the average individual's contribution has actually produced, this is the nature of a Pyramid Scheme, I just don't believe it qualifies as fraud since fraud requires a person to know they are saying something false for the purpose of deceiving someone to their harm and your benefit, and I don't think most people or politicians who favor SS would qualify. I happen to think Islam is not a true religion, nor Buddhisms, nor Catholicism, nor Wicca, etc, that hardly makes them fraud, just not true in my eyes. However, unlike religion or a lack thereof in civilized society, I can't ignore that it is wrong if not maliciously or fraudulently so because nobody makes me attend their temple but they do make me pay SS.
That I may differ with the others about the motives of the opposition's supporters really has jack to do with my view as to the actual flaws in SS, as I've said, and their remarks seem to support, we are of like mind.
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod