Now that we have descended to kindergarten level can we stop with the name calling and have a rational discussion?
So you tell me whether we can have a rational discussion, or must instead debate whether a plan that paid its legally mandated return each month for three-quarters of a century, with more than the GDP of Britain to spare, is a "Ponzi scheme." If you want to talk about ways to improve it, I am all for that, but as long entitlement "reform" is just code for specious excuses to abolish SS as unsustainable, that discussion is impossible. Note: Saying I cannot do third grade math is NOT a good way to avoid descent to kindergarten level.

Social security began with a 7:1 of workers to retirees and has steadily fallen ever since. As it is currently constructed/funded it is completely unsustainable. Yeah it has lasted 75 years, and can definitely make it another 25, probably close to 50, but not any further without completely restructuring it. My generation has the "honor" of being the first to loose money one it and it is only going to go further downhill, faster, from now on. I get the fact that you don't understand the math, blame your local school system for that deficiency. You can either break out a basic math textbook (paying particular attention to the chapter on compound interest) or believe someone who does understand it.
Social Security was a bad plan when it was proposed & implemented. It is a worse plan today, and in the future it will simply be legalized theft.
It is so bad that I would gladly sign away any right to the money that has been taken from me thus far, and any call I could have on any of the social safety nets in the future if they would just let me out of it. Give me that 15% to save on my own and Uncle Sam will never need worry about me again. Hell, just give me 7.5, and I'll let them have the other half. In 22 years I could retire and have about the same monthly income that I receive now from just responsibly investing that 7.5% instead of giving it to the government hoping that they will protect me.