Active Users:406 Time:10/03/2025 07:14:30 AM
Fraud="money contributed is NOT invested for the contributor, but instead redistributed to others"? - Edit 1

Before modification by Joel at 04/03/2013 01:02:18 AM

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View original post1) Fraudulent (or WAS not until St. Ronnie started looting it to pay for tax cuts so large he STILL tripled federal debt)

It is "fraudulent" because the money contributed is NOT invested for the contributor, but instead redistributed to others,

Um, did you not say you work in insurance? Are you familiar with that "industrys" basis? :confused: It pays policy holder claims with the premiums of OTHER policy holders. Are you running a Ponzi scheme, man? Do you need to call a lawyer? :P

Incidentally, SS witholding was increased in 1983 to partially pay current contributors future benefits AS WELL AS current ones.

View original postand SS receipts were placed in the General fund in the 70s long before Regan was elected.

Social Security was NEVER placed in the General Fund. The WHOLE SS trust fund consists of special Treasury securities ILLEGAL for ANYONE else to hold. It has merely been COUNTED with the General Fund since the late sixties, except for a brief period under Reagan. That just reflects the reality that saying, "I made $1000 last month, spent it all and borrowed another $1000, but my $500 in savings means I am not broke," is nonsense.

The problem is we cannot PAY SSs Treasury securities, because Reagan decision to hand out tax cuts AND continue spending pushed federal debt from <$1 trillion to $3.5 trillion in an effort to "starve the beast" and FORCE spending cuts. The GOPs continued commitment to that has since pushed federal debt to >$16 trillion and "the beast" is going into organ failure while Republicans weep crocodile tears for it. The most infuriating thing about this whole spectacle is that the US holds 25% of ALL global wealth, yet one party deliberately MANUFACTURED a needless debt as an excuse to end the social safety net for which they abhor paying.

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View original post2) pays beneficiaries with their employers money as well as their own and that of later investors.

The source of the money is not relevant.

The source of money is irrelevant to whether something is a Ponzi scheme?! Did you read your first argument? :shocked2:
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View original postMany die before receiving benefits, and many more are born and enter the workforce. Ponzis fail because they run out of revenue sources once all or most people join, but SS does not, because the number paying in doubles every few decades, and a huge swathe of them do not live long enough to collect.

So, you think it is "good" because it steals dead people's money to stay solvent... That is an odd position to try to defend. Ponzi's fail because the math does not work, Social Security has only survived this long because it pays such a lousy return.

If Ponzis fail because the math does not work (true) but SSs low return made its math work fine (also true) SS is not a Ponzi. Wow, that was really hard. :P
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View original postSeriously, guys, Rick Perrys a moron, but ya'll do not have that "excuse." :[

At least he understands the definitions of the words used in the English language, and can do 3rd grade math, both of which seem to be beyond you.

A guy who claimed 14.5X50=1250 says I cannot do third grade math? A guy who works in insurance says it is wrong to pay peoples claims with other peoples money? I dislike personalizing arguments, but if you REALLY want to go there, I suppose we can.... ;)

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