Active Users:391 Time:13/03/2025 07:48:00 PM
a couple of issues with your second argument..... moondog Send a noteboard - 02/02/2013 06:03:39 PM
2. Legalize and tax all drugs. This will drastically reduce prison costs and increase tax revenue. And create jobs. Lots of jobs I would think.

When we say 'most crime are drug and alcohol related' we're actually saying that people take criminal action while on the stuff. Very few people get sentenced to real prison time for simple use. But I agree marijuana is fine to legalize and doubtless will be legal most places soon. It won't 'benefit the economy' much though, an addictive drug know for causing lung problems and making people lazy, as opposed to cigarettes which do the former but not the latter, yeah! Cocaine, PCP, things like that, different stories. I will never criticize the hobbies of an adult of sound mind who isn't damaging people or their property or putting them and a significantly elevated risk, but someone on certain types of narcotics can't make even a vaguely credible claim at the 'of sound mind' part. And then there are sales, no sane company is going to want to sell PCP or crack on the market, the liability issues alone would be absurd and they'd know every jury would be predisposed to dislike them. You casually make this a simple issue but while much of a our prison pop is drug-related, it is drug related the way a drunken beating is alcohol related. It wasn't simple consumption that got them do serious time. Consumption virtually never gets you arrested, it is doing something while under the influence that does. Like reckless driving, assault, etc and the members of our population who do consume this or that narcotic, legal or not, at home or semi-responsibly, rarely get into trouble. You just don't get arrested - barring anomalies - for smoking a joint at home, and you certainly don't get serious prison time. Our prisons aren't over-crowded from the people doing 3 days in the county jail and fine/community-service, it would take hundreds of such sentences to equal the standard major felony imprisonment.

first among these, marijuana has never been proven to be physically addictive. people who stop smoking pot don't get the shakes and headaches and nausea the way people who stop smoking nicotine do. at most, they might not be able to sleep for a couple of nights, but again, it's not a physical addiction that brings people back to marijuana the way it is with most other drugs.

secondly, you very definitely *could* get serious prison time for pot depending on how much you have in your possession when/if you get arrested. unfortunately, we passed mandatory minimum laws during bush 41's reign which require giving sentences for what should be minor drug possessions which are sometimes stricter than murder. and certainly, that murderer will be released sooner than the pot smoker who happened to have more than 2 ounces on them at the time of arrest. look at that story posted here not too long ago about the woman who shot the intruder. that man had 6 priors, three probation violations and a conviction for battery but he walked after 6 months. if he had been busted for carrying weed, he'd probably still be in prison. i agree that smoking a joint at home should not get you arrested, but if you have that joint on you in public, depending on where you live, you are going to see a lot of problems if you happen to get stopped by police.
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Here comes another recession - U.S. Economy Unexpectedly Contracts in Q4 - - 30/01/2013 07:50:03 PM 930 Views
Down to the defence spending cuts and inventory restocking halt isn't it? - 30/01/2013 08:43:35 PM 633 Views
Yeah, "good". Sure..... *NM* - 30/01/2013 08:47:57 PM 254 Views
Double post *NM* - 31/01/2013 01:06:12 AM 399 Views
You've changed my mind, of course it was crap. - 31/01/2013 01:06:12 AM 557 Views
DK's methods to fix the economy - 30/01/2013 09:00:23 PM 600 Views
I agree with much of that. - 30/01/2013 10:40:53 PM 768 Views
I don't agree with most of that - 31/01/2013 02:21:12 PM 601 Views
a couple of issues with your second argument..... - 02/02/2013 06:03:39 PM 554 Views
And here we had Helicopter Ben talking about ending QE earlier than expected - 31/01/2013 10:12:44 AM 705 Views
Yup, welcome to QE 4. Once the artifical pumping ends..... - 31/01/2013 01:31:51 PM 552 Views
And next on "Wrong about Everything Theater..." - 02/02/2013 04:33:58 PM 602 Views

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