Active Users:401 Time:13/03/2025 07:53:11 PM
I agree with much of that. Legolas Send a noteboard - 30/01/2013 10:40:53 PM
1. Cut the defense budget drastically. It's time to stop footing the bill for our allies. Pump that money into the economy.

2. Legalize and tax all drugs. This will drastically reduce prison costs and increase tax revenue. And create jobs. Lots of jobs I would think.

Agree to some extent - pot should be legalized and taxed, legalizing hard drugs would just be irresponsible on account of public health. But yeah, prison and legal costs need to come down and stopping the war on pot at least would help with that. Massively discharging people from prison would be legally difficult and a serious threat to the unemployment figures, though... it may have to be a more gradual deal, but then maybe that was what you meant in the first place.
3. Bring back manufacturing. Keep companies and jobs here in the states. Provide tax cuts and any other incentive necessary to keep the jobs here. Bow down to our corporate overlords.

On this topic, and this is actually the reason for my reply to you, you may be interested to read this and the other articles linked to from there (see the "Special Report" box to the right of the article, close to the top). Briefly summarized, manufacturing is already to some extent coming "back" or in some cases coming, period, as some of the companies of the developing world are opening factories in America (or Europe, though less so). It doesn't look like resorting to tax cuts is even needed; other incentives that would also be helpful in other ways, however, such as investing in research and education, would be very helpful.
4. Reduce the federal government. Trim the fat, so to speak. Let states take care of their citizens. Cut down the redtape the federal government is known for.

The American federal government - like the European Union, and like federal governments everywhere - should operate not based on ideology of big government or small government, but based on the principle of subsidiarity - if a task is more efficiently handled on a federal level, then keep it there, otherwise, leave it to the states (or local authorities). For many things, there's definitely still a role for the federal government.
5. Cut tax rates. The reduction of the federal government and the increased tax flows from consumption should make up for this.

Agreed if you also cut tax loopholes - just simplifying the tax system then, basically, and reducing the inequality in tax paying between those who know how to work the system, or can afford to pay someone to work the system for them, and those who don't and can't. Considering the budget deficit and the threat of the ballooning entitlements, I don't really think you can afford to reduce the effective government revenue from taxes. Not unless you add a point 6 in which you radically deal with the entitlements, anyway...
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Here comes another recession - U.S. Economy Unexpectedly Contracts in Q4 - - 30/01/2013 07:50:03 PM 930 Views
Down to the defence spending cuts and inventory restocking halt isn't it? - 30/01/2013 08:43:35 PM 633 Views
Yeah, "good". Sure..... *NM* - 30/01/2013 08:47:57 PM 254 Views
Double post *NM* - 31/01/2013 01:06:12 AM 399 Views
You've changed my mind, of course it was crap. - 31/01/2013 01:06:12 AM 557 Views
DK's methods to fix the economy - 30/01/2013 09:00:23 PM 600 Views
I agree with much of that. - 30/01/2013 10:40:53 PM 769 Views
I don't agree with most of that - 31/01/2013 02:21:12 PM 601 Views
a couple of issues with your second argument..... - 02/02/2013 06:03:39 PM 554 Views
And here we had Helicopter Ben talking about ending QE earlier than expected - 31/01/2013 10:12:44 AM 705 Views
Yup, welcome to QE 4. Once the artifical pumping ends..... - 31/01/2013 01:31:51 PM 552 Views
And next on "Wrong about Everything Theater..." - 02/02/2013 04:33:58 PM 602 Views

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