Re: This is pretty much the definition of a great story
callandor1000 Send a noteboard - 09/01/2013 12:55:22 AM
A mother and family are terrified by an intruder who has no business being free and have to resort to violence in order to defend themselves.
It obviously is a great story, considering how many books, TV shows, and movies have revolved around the home intruder being defeated against the apparent odds. Nobody thinks Die Hard was a great story because the terrorists were cool. And just because I'm inspired by a trapped person amputating their own leg doesn't mean I'd wish that on anyone.
This is like posting the events of 9/11 and talking about how awesome it was, because firefighters ran in to save lives.
Well the definition of awesome includes scary and inspirational. That was pretty scary and pretty inspirational. You're choosing to put the 'cool' on the attack, not the events opposing it, and I think it was pretty clear he found her actions impressive and inspirational and 'great'. He obviously considers this woman's actions heroic.
I don't know if you are simply attempting to be manipulative, or if actually are so deluded by your need to make partisan points--in this case, it's obviously a paean to firearm ownership--but either way, you'd be well served by serious introspection about what you consider to be a "great" event. Here's a hint: home intrusion and its results should not feature high on your hierarchy of positive occurrences.
I think you just are being rude and offensive to A2k without provocation in this thread, I don't see him saying or even implying anything you're accusing him of.
Dude, it really isn't far fetched or rude. That was exactly what A2K was aiming for. Further, it has an insanely asinine slant to it, stating that the family was in imminent danger and implying that this man was AFTER THEM. Reading this article, and another article on the Atlanta Journal-Constitution both leave out and strongly imply that this man simply thought he was invading an EMPTY home. He wasn't after them. Had the mother not been a cowardly piece of shit and yelled to the man to leave her alone then start calling the cops and then warn him that she'd shoot if he persisted, then everything would have been fine. Instead, she called her short bus riding idiot husband who told her to hide with the kids with a gun, not make any noise and shoot should the guy stumble upon them. This is surely a heroic story that the retards of our country can have a happy family.
Your mom. That's right. The cat is out of the bag. Your mom.
My mind isn't always in the gutter, it just has VIP access
Great story - Mom saves herself and her kids - shoots intruder in the face -
06/01/2013 06:25:15 PM

the justice system fails again. what a great article
07/01/2013 02:49:04 AM

I could say something about liberal judges and criminal rights.....but self-control wins out.
07/01/2013 04:37:42 PM
i didn't realize georgia was such a hotbed of liberalism....
07/01/2013 06:24:18 PM

Yeah, it's call the US Supreme Court of the 60's and 70's and other federal mandates.
07/01/2013 07:13:19 PM
i must have missed where the US supreme court released this guy from prison early....
07/01/2013 09:17:43 PM
You have serious problems if you think this is a "great" story.
07/01/2013 10:08:53 AM
This is pretty much the definition of a great story
07/01/2013 01:32:02 PM
+1 - A mother protecting/perhaps even saving her kids from a criminal is a GREAT story. *NM*
07/01/2013 02:43:17 PM
Uh. Die Hard was fictional.
08/01/2013 12:36:05 AM
Story can be fiction or non-fiction, and that's an irrelevant point anyway, Apollo 13 was real
08/01/2013 04:59:40 AM
Re: This is pretty much the definition of a great story
09/01/2013 12:55:22 AM
You're right--nothing can be good if a better situation might have hypothetically been possible
08/01/2013 04:45:56 AM
FIVE .38's to the head and neck and he not only survived, but remained conscious?
07/01/2013 03:51:00 PM

.38's are almost like BBs
07/01/2013 04:13:20 PM
I guess!
07/01/2013 04:28:47 PM
Yeah, I had the same reaction. 5 shots to the face/head and the guy is going to survive?
07/01/2013 04:35:43 PM