Active Users:2237 Time:22/01/2025 08:08:00 PM
You have serious problems if you think this is a "great" story. Ghavrel Send a noteboard - 07/01/2013 10:08:53 AM
A mother and family are terrified by an intruder who has no business being free and have to resort to violence in order to defend themselves. This is like posting the events of 9/11 and talking about how awesome it was, because firefighters ran in to save lives.

I don't know if you are simply attempting to be manipulative, or if actually are so deluded by your need to make partisan points--in this case, it's obviously a paean to firearm ownership--but either way, you'd be well served by serious introspection about what you consider to be a "great" event. Here's a hint: home intrusion and its results should not feature high on your hierarchy of positive occurrences.
"We feel safe when we read what we recognise, what does not challenge our way of thinking.... a steady acceptance of pre-arranged patterns leads to the inability to question what we are told."

Ghavrel is Ghavrel is Ghavrel


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Great story - Mom saves herself and her kids - shoots intruder in the face - - 06/01/2013 06:25:15 PM 1142 Views
now THAT is awesome *NM* - 06/01/2013 10:59:01 PM 365 Views
the justice system fails again. what a great article - 07/01/2013 02:49:04 AM 638 Views
Amen brother. *NM* - 07/01/2013 06:53:00 AM 317 Views
Exactly. *NM* - 07/01/2013 04:10:03 PM 298 Views
You have serious problems if you think this is a "great" story. - 07/01/2013 10:08:53 AM 721 Views
Thank you! - 07/01/2013 10:54:20 AM 641 Views
Make me +1 for the confused people. *NM* - 07/01/2013 04:11:07 PM 315 Views
This is pretty much the definition of a great story - 07/01/2013 01:32:02 PM 544 Views
Uh. Die Hard was fictional. - 08/01/2013 12:36:05 AM 574 Views
Re: This is pretty much the definition of a great story - 09/01/2013 12:55:22 AM 853 Views
Some very weird reactions to this story - 09/01/2013 01:56:18 AM 524 Views
Re: Some very weird reactions to this story - 09/01/2013 03:47:21 AM 834 Views
You're right--nothing can be good if a better situation might have hypothetically been possible - 08/01/2013 04:45:56 AM 569 Views
I own guns for home defense and hunting. - 08/01/2013 06:00:34 AM 643 Views
Precisely *NM* - 08/01/2013 08:10:24 AM 286 Views
FIVE .38's to the head and neck and he not only survived, but remained conscious? *NM* - 07/01/2013 03:51:00 PM 368 Views
.38's are almost like BBs - 07/01/2013 04:13:20 PM 557 Views
I guess! - 07/01/2013 04:28:47 PM 638 Views
Oh I was shocked he survived - 07/01/2013 08:27:52 PM 582 Views
i know someone who survived being stabbed in the neck - 08/01/2013 05:24:24 PM 565 Views
.38's are potent and deadly. - 12/01/2013 05:05:53 AM 597 Views
I'm confused. - 09/01/2013 12:44:01 AM 939 Views

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