Active Users:675 Time:21/09/2024 03:57:38 AM
So you are saying you do not need a gun then? I will keep mine anyway, thanks. Joel Send a noteboard - 28/12/2012 04:19:03 PM
A reasonably inteligent individual (hell even a stupid one), who decides to kill someone, can. All day, every day, we are surrounded by objects that can be used for lethal purposed. Heck, my coffee mug can inflict a fatal injury (admitadly it is quite large, I really REALLY drink a lot of coffee). A gun is just one toll that can be used, and it is an efficient one, but it is only a tool.

NO correlation?! :shocked: Are you seriously contending people who want to kill someone choose the means at random, or that it is irrelevant to their success? Then a gun is unnecessary for self-defense; it is a tool that can be so used, and an efficient one, but only one of many just as good. Needless to say, I disagree.

If you want to kill a bunch of people, a gun is nott what you use, it is explosives or poisons

It is rather easy to do.

It is also rather easy to be sent to prison trying; homemade explosives and chemical weapons are HIGHLY illegal. Sure, anyone can legally get explosives and kill many people—IF they pass background checks and fill out slews of paperwork for the government. If you are suggesting the same should be true of guns, we are in complete agreement; if not, comparing guns to explosives is a false equivalence. Explosives do not justify unregulated guns either way.

People use a gun for many possible reasons, but "it is the best way" is not one of them. Frankly I just lump them all unde the word "coward" and move on.

Again, by that logic neither you nor anyone needs a gun; defend yourself with an explosive coffee mug. ;)

Restricting gun ownership does NOT save lives. Want proof? Look at the muder rates of Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC, and Houston. Chicago is the only one with a larger population than Houston, DC & Detroit are about a third the size of Houson. However, every single one of those cities has a MUCH higher murder (and gun violence) rate than Houston. They also have VERY restrictive gun laws.

I was born and raised in Houston; when Lee Brown was police chief it had the highest murder rate of any city in the US, until he went to DC and it gained that dubious "honor." There is a lot more that goes into that than gun laws. For example, Detroit and DC are also riddled with poverty, and crime rates in general tend to be proportional to poverty.

PLEASE find 1 example of a city/county/state in the US with lax gun laws and a higher murder/violence rate than a comparative location with restrictive gun laws. Good luck.

I will go you one better: The US, Switzerland, Finland and Sweden are all in the top ten for per capita gun ownership, and the next highest per capita gun ownership is in Norway, France, Canada, Austria, Germany and Iceland. That is 10 of the 16 countries with the highest per capita gun ownership; the other 6 consist of Saudi Arabia and war zones.

Yet only the US, Canada and Switzerland make the top twenty for per capita gun deaths; that it is much EASIER to get a gun in those countries likely accounts for the difference:

Most significantly, Finland, Sweden, Norway, France, Austria, Germany and Iceland all have some of the strictest gun control AND highest per capita gun ownership in the world. That bears repeating: Most nations with the highest per capita gun ownership also have the strictest gun control. If gun control=gun bans, they are doing a very poor job of it. The difference is not that America has lots of guns, but that we let any monkey with a few hundred dollars legally buy one.
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
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When guns are a big national issue, how do reporters & pundits not know facts about them? - 21/12/2012 05:33:14 PM 1512 Views
You don't hunt by walking into a classroom and shooting 20 deer - 21/12/2012 05:56:16 PM 969 Views
You're actually not right on that one - 21/12/2012 07:49:53 PM 895 Views
That wasn't the point I was making - 21/12/2012 09:49:40 PM 843 Views
You should probably clarify it then - 21/12/2012 10:47:26 PM 998 Views
His post was perfectly clear. Yours seemed like a response to an entirely different post. - 21/12/2012 10:53:39 PM 1155 Views
Explain that remark, it is not obvious to me *NM* - 21/12/2012 11:00:10 PM 519 Views
I think - 21/12/2012 11:13:34 PM 828 Views
Thats' easy, there is simply no such thing as a 'hunting rifle' - 21/12/2012 11:17:41 PM 838 Views
I'd say the expert gunsmith - 21/12/2012 11:28:02 PM 877 Views
I thought I was being perfectly clear. - 21/12/2012 10:57:35 PM 842 Views
Re: I thought I was being perfectly clear. - 21/12/2012 11:25:04 PM 897 Views
Oh I wasn't commenting on the standard of people here - 21/12/2012 11:29:36 PM 810 Views
you're largely correct, which is why we need stronger laws on ownership not guns per se - 21/12/2012 09:39:14 PM 808 Views
I can't think of a better reason than self defense - 21/12/2012 10:33:26 PM 866 Views
He is right about Australia - 21/12/2012 10:46:27 PM 846 Views
No kidding - 21/12/2012 10:59:28 PM 831 Views
If you knew all that - 21/12/2012 11:02:38 PM 861 Views
I think you are on the right track, but to the wrong destination; "lethal weapon" is redundant. - 21/12/2012 11:05:29 PM 837 Views
My read is that the 2nd Amendment not only allows, but mandates, cop-killer bullets. - 22/12/2012 12:45:04 AM 878 Views
Does the Second Amendment protect the rights of felons and the mentally incompetent to have guns? - 22/12/2012 02:35:16 AM 1042 Views
Yes the media is using terms incorrectly but the point still stands. - 22/12/2012 03:02:18 AM 768 Views
Re: Yes the media is using terms incorrectly but the point still stands. - 22/12/2012 04:12:30 AM 827 Views
umm... - 22/12/2012 12:41:31 PM 741 Views
1997 North Hollywood Shootout - 22/12/2012 04:07:39 AM 911 Views
typical NRA bullshit response - 22/12/2012 04:53:40 AM 847 Views
typical Moondog bullshit response - 23/12/2012 01:06:12 PM 851 Views
of course! there is no connection between having a gun and shooting someone. got it - 23/12/2012 02:33:18 PM 741 Views
There is no corelation between decidng to kill someone and what tool you use. - 26/12/2012 03:11:08 PM 801 Views
By that logic no one needs a gun for self-defense; a coffee mug is perfectly adequate. - 26/12/2012 09:06:51 PM 850 Views
I can kill you with my coffee mug... RESPECT THE MUG but I wouldn't, I might spill the coffee. - 27/12/2012 04:08:52 PM 713 Views
So you are saying you do not need a gun then? I will keep mine anyway, thanks. - 28/12/2012 04:19:03 PM 800 Views
Laws against murder failed to prevent that, too; clearly they are ineffective and should be repealed - 22/12/2012 06:02:24 AM 962 Views
Such laws were never intended for prevention, they define actions that will be punished. *NM* - 23/12/2012 12:57:57 PM 550 Views
So do laws against getting a gun without screening, training and certification. - 23/12/2012 02:01:32 PM 782 Views
Then CHANGE the Constitution, don't ignore it. *NM* - 26/12/2012 03:12:11 PM 487 Views
I am not suggesting either changing or ignoring the Constitution. - 26/12/2012 04:01:02 PM 891 Views
Yes you are. - 26/12/2012 08:06:01 PM 690 Views
Learn logic, and stop needlessly trying to teach me grammar. - 26/12/2012 08:55:25 PM 855 Views
Lear to read, and I won't have to - 27/12/2012 04:28:59 PM 916 Views
You are wrong. - 22/12/2012 12:14:40 PM 866 Views
That explains much; I read somewhere Brits are averse to it. - 22/12/2012 01:17:15 PM 784 Views
We're also averse to being wrong. - 22/12/2012 02:53:49 PM 863 Views
So you say... - 22/12/2012 03:32:16 PM 786 Views
guns r stpid *NM* - 23/12/2012 12:39:30 AM 571 Views
What bemuses me about this thing with Adam Lanza, is that his mother had 5 registered guns - 23/12/2012 07:10:26 AM 883 Views
She was asleep with him in the house. - 23/12/2012 02:24:47 PM 857 Views
LOOK, look, there is another one... - 26/12/2012 03:13:45 PM 798 Views
I find the absolutist ant/pro-gun positions equally dangerous and absurd. - 26/12/2012 04:20:37 PM 772 Views
So we should just *kinda* ignore the Constitution *this* time... But what about NEXT time... - 26/12/2012 08:08:12 PM 756 Views
No, we should enact gun regulation the Constitution explicitly empowers. - 26/12/2012 09:02:12 PM 772 Views
Which would be... NONE. *NM* - 27/12/2012 04:31:53 PM 491 Views
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state...." - 28/12/2012 05:14:49 PM 770 Views
*see previous grammar lesson* *NM* - 28/12/2012 10:31:43 PM 476 Views
The instant it becomes relevant, I shall. - 28/12/2012 11:45:01 PM 957 Views
Your point being? - 27/12/2012 10:47:29 AM 756 Views
Facts are irrelevant when FUD is the order of the day. - 24/12/2012 04:34:18 PM 763 Views
It irritates me too. *NM* - 01/01/2013 01:55:05 PM 492 Views

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