Active Users:1251 Time:23/02/2025 07:31:12 PM
No, we should enact gun regulation the Constitution explicitly empowers. - Edit 1

Before modification by Joel at 26/12/2012 09:02:38 PM

which would, by the logic of gun proponents, protect her from getting killed.

Instead she got shot by them.

If the argument for owning guns is for self protection, why isn't anyone pointing out that Nancy had 5 guns to protect herself with and got shot with them instead?

She could not have stopped him with an ICBM; he could have killed her with a pillow. That sleeping people are incapable of self-defense does not invalidate it.

I think most Americans do, but the small vocal minority of extremists on both sides deny the rest of us the responsible reasonable gun control we need and want. I cannot say, "no one wants to let everyone legally buy any gun they can afford, no questions asked," because a small radical fringe demands EXACTLY that. I cannot say, "no one wants to ban/confiscate all guns," because a small radical fringe demands EXACTLY that. They are not rebutting, but VALIDATING, each other; neither would have any public credibility if the other would SHUT UP for five seconds and stop making their opponents alarmist fears so plausible.

I do not know a single rational person who thinks anyone with a felony record, mental illness or no idea how to even LOAD a gun should have one. Yet the law cannot SAY that, because the radical fringes dominate the gun control discussion, debating whether to ban all guns or let anyone who wants any gun buy it, even if still wearing their prison uniform and/or a straitjacket. The vast majority of America does not support either option, but those are the only ones we are presented, so here we are.

For a strict constructionist, you sure have a difficult time following what "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." I can quote it from memory, and assure you I comprehend it fully. Go ahead and keep saying all gun control is unconstitutional though; convicted felons, the mentally ill and people who insist gun rights advocates are nuts surely appreciate your efforts on their behalf.

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