Active Users:3346 Time:22/01/2025 08:25:08 PM
No, I do not accept the risk of pregnancy. Aeryn Send a noteboard - 20/11/2012 01:41:07 PM
Your argument fails.

Fetus lives inside another conscious living person. Living people do not live inside another conscious living organism. Earth's atmosphere is not a conscious living organism.

A different question - what about the self-defense, stand your ground viewpoint? You have the right to evict a home invader, even if they would freeze to death or starve otherwise. You use deadly force to someone who threatens you with bodily harm.

And innocent - everyone is innocent. Are they not? I don't understand why that's important. The woman who died was innocent also. Pregnant women are innocent.

I understand and accept that you put the moral emphasis on the mother, I just don't agree with you.

Stand your ground does not apply if your invite someone into your home. The VAST majority of abortions are performed after voluntary sex. When you choose to have sex, you choose to risk pregnancy, that is how it works. Innocent of what? The child is not yet capable of independent performance of action, and thus can be nothing but innocent. Whereas the mother has had a lifetime to make bad (whatever moral evaluation you wish to apply) choices/actions. Again, check a dictionary.

It's odd the place a higher moral value on a creature incapable of reasoning or action, as if being unconscious were a virtue. It's the opposite - consciousness and reason are how we define humanity.

Next, I absolutely do no accept the risk of pregnancy when I have sex. I need to have sex for my physical and mental well being, to be happy and fulfilled in life, it is absolutely essential. It is against my religion to be celibate or pregnant.

Further, when I get into the car, I do not accept the risk of dying in an accident. And driving is much more of an option than having sex. When I eat, I do not accept the risk of getting e.coli. Especially in the way you seem to mean "accept the risk" - not be given a chance to mitigate or control the consequences. I do not relinquish control over my life because I had sex.i still have a right to choose how I live.

But back to the "innocent plant" viewpoint, I find it very curious. Do plants have higher value than humans because they are unable of independent action or thinking?

Furthermore, (giving you further cause to disagree with me) I don't believe that their should be a rape exemption. Why do we execute the baby, when we won't execute the rapist?

At the time that the rapist has a part of his body inside of mine, I am justified to use any method including deadly force, to defend the sanctity of my body, to protect it from unwelcome invasion.

An unwanted pregnancy is also an unwelcome invasion. And no, by having sex, I didn't open up my body to anything else that might come. If you use your credit card at a store, you do not give them permission to charge it again without your authorization, even though the risk is there. When I eat a sandwich which might have tapeworm eggs on it, even if i know there's a risk, I do not consent to carrying tapeworms in my body. And even though the tapeworm is innocent, I have a right to protect my body, before and after the invasion.
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woman dies after doctors deny her a life-saving abortion - 14/11/2012 06:58:31 PM 1339 Views
this is so terribly sad. keeping abortions legal is important. *NM* - 14/11/2012 07:09:00 PM 259 Views
Maybe this is more a testament to the quality of care in that hospital than an arguemnt for abortion *NM* - 15/11/2012 01:49:00 PM 276 Views
Can you elaborate? - 16/11/2012 04:07:48 PM 529 Views
Do you have access to her medical charts? - 16/11/2012 08:44:45 PM 541 Views
Statistically speaking... - 15/11/2012 07:03:51 PM 563 Views
Where did you get your statistics from? - 15/11/2012 09:19:29 PM 798 Views
Psst. - 15/11/2012 09:43:35 PM 585 Views
I'm pretty sure his 0.3% figure comes from - 15/11/2012 10:01:29 PM 502 Views
That would certainly change the difference between the numbers. - 15/11/2012 10:07:42 PM 562 Views
Re: Statistically speaking... - 15/11/2012 10:56:35 PM 548 Views
Where's the due process? - 15/11/2012 11:35:39 PM 622 Views
First, prove that the fetus is a "ONE". - 16/11/2012 04:14:34 PM 499 Views
That argument is specious - 16/11/2012 08:36:07 PM 513 Views
But you cannot call another living person an "environment." Only for parasites. - 16/11/2012 10:16:18 PM 475 Views
Yes I can, look up the word environment - 17/11/2012 11:49:55 AM 613 Views
No, I do not accept the risk of pregnancy. - 20/11/2012 01:41:07 PM 495 Views
Re: No, I do not accept the risk of pregnancy. - 20/11/2012 03:59:19 PM 497 Views
well said - 20/11/2012 05:27:11 PM 597 Views
I agree, but it does not matter. - 16/11/2012 08:26:17 PM 490 Views
Win some, lose some - 15/11/2012 11:29:32 PM 652 Views
In other words, if you don't want to die, become a lesbian. *NM* - 16/11/2012 04:16:23 PM 272 Views
stop calling women whores - 16/11/2012 04:55:49 PM 586 Views

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