1. People who mow their grass way too short and often
2. Health food nuts
3. People who offer me tea but only have herbal or fruit
4. The Letter R
5. Fad tech widgets
6. Fads
7. People who get into fads
8. People who are ashamed of their inner-geek
9. People who think the Star Wars prequels were good
10. Virtually all Disney Movies
11. People in General
12. Hyper active children
13. Parents who complain when you feed their hyper active children candy
14. That mold-grime crap that accumulates on the fridge door's rubber seals
15. Old Florescent light bulbs someone should get off their ass and change
16. Shops that carry book 2 of a series but not book 1
17. Airport security
18. Airports that sadistically place the smoking area in a wind tunnel at the end of a labyrinth (O'Hare)
19. People who inform me smoking is bad for me
20. People with mono-brows
21. Celery
22. It's and Its - always fuck that up
23. No Turn on Red signs
24. People who talk about Football being the name for Soccer
25. Anyone who mentions Iceland and Greenland in the same sentence
26. Women who wear revealing clothes and act offended if your eyes wander
27. Women who don't wear revealing clothes
28. Women who wear revealing clothes but lack the figure for it
29. Women
2. Health food nuts
3. People who offer me tea but only have herbal or fruit
4. The Letter R
5. Fad tech widgets
6. Fads
7. People who get into fads
8. People who are ashamed of their inner-geek
9. People who think the Star Wars prequels were good
10. Virtually all Disney Movies
11. People in General
12. Hyper active children
13. Parents who complain when you feed their hyper active children candy
14. That mold-grime crap that accumulates on the fridge door's rubber seals
15. Old Florescent light bulbs someone should get off their ass and change
16. Shops that carry book 2 of a series but not book 1
17. Airport security
18. Airports that sadistically place the smoking area in a wind tunnel at the end of a labyrinth (O'Hare)
19. People who inform me smoking is bad for me
20. People with mono-brows
21. Celery
22. It's and Its - always fuck that up
23. No Turn on Red signs
24. People who talk about Football being the name for Soccer
25. Anyone who mentions Iceland and Greenland in the same sentence
26. Women who wear revealing clothes and act offended if your eyes wander
27. Women who don't wear revealing clothes
28. Women who wear revealing clothes but lack the figure for it
29. Women
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
List of things that annoy you
17/11/2012 09:52:28 PM
Lists. *NM*
17/11/2012 11:14:04 PM
Christ, where to begin
18/11/2012 12:44:41 AM
I cannot respect you any longer.
18/11/2012 09:53:37 PM
You trust Disney with another generation of Star Wars movies? You're mad! Mad!
18/11/2012 11:56:02 PM
19/11/2012 09:03:38 AM
It's a matter of making it worse
19/11/2012 11:08:23 AM
I think the times have changed...
19/11/2012 11:21:13 AM
One can hope, but to entrust them with the fate of the Galaxy? I don't know...
19/11/2012 11:30:48 AM
Re: Only a few
18/11/2012 02:09:23 AM
One more: People that start Christmas Decorating before Thanksgiving. *NM*
19/11/2012 06:41:46 PM
Naggers *NM*
18/11/2012 08:45:48 PM
People that don't read the email I sent out with ALL the information they may need..
19/11/2012 03:57:33 PM