Active Users:806 Time:25/11/2024 01:26:11 AM
Stock market prices are bullshit when trying to prove a war on coal - Edit 1

Before modification by Roland00 at 10/11/2012 01:45:52 PM

If you are trying to prove a war on coal you might have posted articles talking about the EPA and coal regulations (note these are not laws passed by congress but the EPA itself regulating the industry.)


But I can make a very good argument stating that the decline of coal over the last 5 years has to do with the gain of natural gas. Natural Gas is cheaper to get out of the ground
Cheaper to build a power plant in the first place
Cheaper to fuel the power plant
And an order of magnitude less environmentally toxic (I am talking things such as mercury in the air not necessary carbon emissions.)

For example read this article.

Edit: I meant to say without instead of with
Coal Industry would be in decline without obama's policies

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