1) What did/do you eat in college, predominately? Did it even resemble healthy eating?
I ate a lot of Subway. And yes, unless I went with my meatball sauce, cheese and chicken concoction. On regular days I had bagels and deli meat, just sandwichy things (there was a little shop at our dorm), or cafeteria food. And devils food cookies.
2) Where you limited by time, convenience, finances and/or motivation?
Not overly in any direction. I got free food at work (Subway), and there were a million things w/in walking or delivering distance. I had just enough funds from working.
3) What do you think is the ONE THING that all college students should stock in their cabinets/kitchens?
Dunno. I always had crackers/cheese. Or something else moderately snacky.
4) Name some other less-ultimate items.

5) Send me some real goddamned food please. My cooking is subpar.
I would. And cooking is only subpar if you limit your imagination. Go for it! I make all sorts of stuff now, and I hardly ever measure.
College Food (Or the Food of the Similarly aged/financed)
29/09/2009 12:24:52 AM
I can still remember that, does that count?
29/09/2009 03:46:30 PM
Well I havent been here long, but I feel like I've been eating here forever
30/09/2009 01:17:49 AM