People who want abortions badly enough to have one will, whether or not law makes it "convenient." - Edit 1
Before modification by Joel at 27/10/2012 03:05:17 AM
that would be aborted if it were legal, but wouldn't if illegal. People's behavior changes based on the law. You can't possibly think that legalizing abortion didn't increase the number of abortions taking place.
If abortion was not legal, fewer abortions would take place. I feel bad saying "fewer" because it almost minimizes just how large the difference would be.
If abortion was not legal, fewer abortions would take place. I feel bad saying "fewer" because it almost minimizes just how large the difference would be.
If abortion were illegal fewer abortions would be DETECTED, and thousands, if not millions, of women would be crippled/killed in the process. Yet abortion INCIDENCE would likely change little, because abortion is rarely the casually callous decision of convenience its opponents contend, so anti-abortion laws are little deterrent (the possibility of serious injury or death was probably a greater one, and still insufficient for many.)
Even were all that not true, we are STILL not talking about something unambiguously a child, and you will not lead me into that false paradigm. Even ONE woman dying a painful miserable death because you and many others BELIEVE—with little evidence, let alone proof—all fetuses are children whose lives abortion bans save, that would be injustice. We do not get to simply declare things people on scanty evidence and subject undeniable people to their rights (except, of course, corporations, but that is another rant. )
Believe what you wish, but legislate only what you can prove. I believe but cannot prove life begins at conception (VERY soon after, at the least,) and therefore will never have an abortion; I strongly urge others to adopt the same position in its entirety. I cannot, however, force them to do so without proof I am right.