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Which instapoll said Obama won the first debate? Joel Send a noteboard - 23/10/2012 06:18:45 AM
Foreign policy was touted as Obama's strong point and what he'd win on, he clearly didn't, so whether it was a Romney win, draw, or even a mild Obama win is pretty damn irrelevant, Romney keeps the inertia of the challenger unblunted, as foreign policy isn't too important right now and all he had to do was not look bad and Obama needed to come off Presidential and make Romney look un-Presidential, the latter didn't happen and frankly I think he blew the former with a lot of people too.

I don't see any game changer from this one though.

The only person who thought Obama won the first debate was Obama, and only until he got offstage and started talked to advisors stunned to hear him say so.

I agree it probably will not change much, but in addition to being oily and breathless to Obamas measured firmness throughout, Romney was factually shredded. My favorite part was his assertion that Syria is Irans only route to the sea, which would be true if not for the Persian Gulf which is their longest border and NAMED AFTER THEM! Saying Detroit would have avoided bankruptcy thanks to private bailouts was good, too, though, since every private firm asked for a bailout—including Bain Capital—said they would not touch that with a ten foot pole with the economy in the mess it was in when Bush left office. Even were all that not true (though it undeniably is,) "me, too, but better" is no way to win a debate.

Romney got trounced, but it probably will not matter since 1) Obama was understood to have a big foreign policy edge, 2) most voters are far more concerned about the economy and 3) most impressions were made and cemented in the first debate.
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
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Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
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LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
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Between the ships, horses, bayonets, and lines about loving teachers... - 23/10/2012 04:44:32 AM 1019 Views
He loves teachers, but only so long as we are seen and not heard. - 23/10/2012 05:07:15 AM 476 Views
Or have the benefits of the golden parachutes - 23/10/2012 05:32:04 AM 490 Views
Which might those be? - 23/10/2012 07:25:24 AM 474 Views
Also "heaven and earth" and bankrupt Detroit. - 23/10/2012 12:23:21 PM 464 Views
Both those charges are fact checked and verified. - 23/10/2012 03:05:01 PM 479 Views
The instapolls declared Obama victor in #1 too, Romney won this one - 23/10/2012 06:00:26 AM 620 Views
*blinks* - 23/10/2012 06:08:00 AM 525 Views
Which instapoll said Obama won the first debate? - 23/10/2012 06:18:45 AM 410 Views
My favorite gaffe of the night: - 23/10/2012 06:07:19 AM 491 Views
It was a poorly worded statement, the "sea" being referred to is the Med, but essentially correct. - 23/10/2012 07:16:37 PM 485 Views
What is this, the 19th century? Why is the Med so important? - 23/10/2012 10:20:11 PM 496 Views
They want holidays in the sun, too - 24/10/2012 05:32:44 AM 440 Views
Commercial, Iran doesn't have a navy worth mentioning. - 24/10/2012 03:41:46 PM 480 Views
Okay, commercial, that narrows it down. How, exactly? - 24/10/2012 06:02:01 PM 459 Views
Right family (Hussein of Jordan), wrong generation by a few hundered years. - 25/10/2012 06:16:51 PM 484 Views
Hm. Curious who you mean, then. - 25/10/2012 11:52:06 PM 485 Views
You are too hung up on a "port" - 26/10/2012 03:13:59 PM 404 Views
That's what Romney and you said, isn't it? Access to the Mediterranean. - 26/10/2012 11:30:55 PM 584 Views
Re: That's what Romney and you said, isn't it? Access to the Mediterranean. - 29/10/2012 02:23:33 PM 499 Views
Well, you get points for stubbornness, that's for sure. - 29/10/2012 03:26:50 PM 805 Views
and one he seems to keep making - how many times do you give someone the benefit of the doubt? - 23/10/2012 11:46:55 PM 537 Views
it is simply a standard descriptive line. - 24/10/2012 03:54:49 PM 501 Views
What is? - 25/10/2012 11:15:28 AM 409 Views
that was my favorite as well. *NM* - 23/10/2012 08:10:36 PM 197 Views
These debates need a stat boy, PTI style. - 23/10/2012 06:43:02 AM 471 Views
I favor tasering them - 23/10/2012 06:46:43 AM 436 Views
Few people use zingers to decide who they will vote for - 26/10/2012 06:11:50 PM 425 Views

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