Active Users:750 Time:12/03/2025 12:12:09 AM
It was no less absurd all those years that the Conservatives asked that of Liberals imlad Send a noteboard - 17/10/2012 11:17:45 PM
I clearly remember the right wing using that exact phrase during the whole Reagan/Bush era all the time. Especially such blowhards as Rush Limbaugh. So why complain when the left throws it right back at the right?

So typical of the right wing, they can dish shit out, but you better not fling it back at them or they whine. And that has indeed been playing out in the media recently, with the right wing whining about Biden's firm and aggressive behavior during the debate last week, when Romney was perfectly fine (and praised for it) for his behavior in the first debate.

Sometimes the contradictions of the right wing's behavior amazes me, and then I remember, they are right wingers, and thus really don't have much of a moral compass of right and wrong, otherwise they wouldn't have such evil political stances. Yes, I called the right wing evil, as that is exactly how they come across to me.

The notion that wanting to see Romney, a candidate who enjoys the support of about half the country, win the Presidency means you "hate America" is beyond hyperbole. It's just stupid.
Death to the Regressives of the GOP and the TeaParty. No mercy for Conservatives. Burn them all at the stake for the hateful satanists they are.
This message last edited by imlad on 17/10/2012 at 11:20:27 PM
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Is the election over? NEW GALLUP - ROMNEY +6% - 51% to 45% - - 17/10/2012 06:50:26 PM 599 Views
why do you hate america so much? *NM* - 17/10/2012 06:57:23 PM 200 Views
Funny, I have the same question for you. *NM* - 17/10/2012 06:59:11 PM 204 Views
That is an absurd statement no matter what your politics are. - 17/10/2012 09:57:59 PM 394 Views
it's been an absurd statement since around 2002 or so - 17/10/2012 10:08:34 PM 415 Views
This was not the proper place for the statement, then. - 17/10/2012 10:23:46 PM 412 Views
It was no less absurd all those years that the Conservatives asked that of Liberals - 17/10/2012 11:17:45 PM 426 Views
I think that we can all agree on.... - 17/10/2012 07:16:01 PM 435 Views
Re: I think that we can all agree on.... - 17/10/2012 07:23:54 PM 407 Views
Yeah the elections over all right, a slam dunk to Obama, check with the bookies - 17/10/2012 07:35:14 PM 633 Views
You persist in this fiction - 17/10/2012 10:06:07 PM 414 Views
obama still has the easier path to victory - 17/10/2012 10:22:58 PM 349 Views
I wouldn't dispute that for an instant. - 17/10/2012 10:25:46 PM 416 Views
I think Silver's model tries to account for historical turnouts - 17/10/2012 10:32:24 PM 408 Views
I think that Virginia is still really a "red" state. - 17/10/2012 11:07:35 PM 409 Views
I think it's still in play - 18/10/2012 12:04:55 AM 386 Views
It ain't over till the fat lady sings, and all that. - 17/10/2012 10:07:11 PM 412 Views
Hawaii. - 17/10/2012 10:36:09 PM 545 Views
Yes, but they are also utterly predictable. - 17/10/2012 10:43:45 PM 409 Views
As evidenced recently by Germany - Sweden *NM* - 21/10/2012 05:17:38 PM 192 Views

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