1) What did/do you eat in college, predominately? Did it even resemble healthy eating?
Depends. First semester, there were many pizzas, had a bunch of friends and we usually took lunch together. And the kitchen was such a horrible place I did not particularly like to go there.
After that, things eased down and I cooked more or less every meal at home, barring the days when it was more practical to go grab a sandwich from the cheap café.
2) Where you limited by time, convenience, finances and/or motivation?
Finances to some point. I made sure only to buy the cheaper meat, and lots of frozen chicken and such. Also, I think I wasn't quite that picky then, I could use canned mushrooms and stuff like that without making it feel like a betrayal.
3) What do you think is the ONE THING that all college students should stock in their cabinets/kitchens?
4) Name some other less-ultimate items.
Really, You need a good base supply of everything. But don't forget spices. Food gets awfully dull if all you use for seasoning is salt.
5) Send me some real goddamned food please. My cooking is subpar.
Cooking is a skill you learn by doing it, and realising that the reason it tastes burned is that you burned it. Don't use quite that much heat next time.
"People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world" - Calvin.
College Food (Or the Food of the Similarly aged/financed)
29/09/2009 12:24:52 AM
29/09/2009 10:18:20 AM
Well I havent been here long, but I feel like I've been eating here forever
30/09/2009 01:17:49 AM