Active Users:294 Time:28/09/2024 01:48:47 AM
And on the other hand, various "logical justifications" tend to boil down to one thing: - Edit 1

Before modification by beetnemesis at 16/10/2012 11:05:37 PM

No matter how many arguments they can site, anti-gay marriage arguments come down to, "Gay relationships are not as legitimate/meaningful/important as straight ones."

So, sure, maybe being against gay marriage doesn't automatically mean you're so hateful that you want to start a new chapter of Hitler Youth, but there is a commonality there.

My grandma was a sweet old lady, and I know she had at least one or two black friends, but she was pretty adamantly against mixed-race marriages. She wasn't malicious, she wasn't a bad person, but on a certain level, yes, she was bigoted.

So while I see what you're saying, "just because someone is against gay marriage doesn't mean they eat babies," I DO think it's important not to let bigots off the hook.

I believe in free speech, so if someone wants to be a bigot- be a bigot. Just as long as they don't try to kid themselves that they're just "thinking of the children" or whatever.

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