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We use "bigot" like Christians use "sinner." Burr Send a noteboard - 16/10/2012 09:12:39 PM
I can't deny that it can be used while frothing at the mouth, but the hyperbolic and insultive usage of the term is not its only usage, just like not all Christians are being hyperbolic or insultive when they describe a group as "sinners". Both labels can be matters of disagreement, to be sure, but both are still relatively fair and benign from one's own perspective. It doesn't matter how nice or respectable a person is, sin is sin and bigotry is bigotry, as defined by the groups who use the terms. I'm not going to quit using the term "bigot" anymore than I'd expect a Christian to quit using the term "sinner."

Same thing with "hateful," really. Granted, we poorly use it sometimes to paint a group as Naziesque, when really the two levels of hate in no way compare. If you are decrying that usage, then you are certainly correct. But realize that it is even more often used in a more clinical way, to describe how social conservatives tend to see us as a "them" to be excluded. That is hateful; it just isn't frothing at the mouth hateful. And when a part of gay subculture is excluding straight people in the same sort of way, you should certainly call them out for it. (And yes, I am sure if you look hard enough you could find someone using the term "bigot" in a truly hateful way -- to tag that person as a "them" to be excluded. But I don't think that is at all the common usage of it.)
Only so evil.
This message last edited by Burr on 16/10/2012 at 09:30:14 PM
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A Bible belt conservative spent a year pretending to be gay - 14/10/2012 12:25:34 PM 851 Views
Plenty of the comments are really disheartening - 14/10/2012 07:23:42 PM 434 Views
It's like what I heard on the radio. - 14/10/2012 10:42:43 PM 379 Views
Interesting article. *NM* - 15/10/2012 02:28:09 PM 170 Views
"The vast majority of conservative Christians are not hateful bigots at all." - 15/10/2012 10:55:34 PM 390 Views
He does say his mother came around in the end. - 15/10/2012 10:57:50 PM 340 Views
"All politics is local." - 15/10/2012 11:04:41 PM 471 Views
Maybe most conservative christians... - 15/10/2012 11:44:13 PM 382 Views
Sorry, that is just an attempted role-reversal; objecting to hatred is not the "real hatred." - 16/10/2012 01:26:39 AM 342 Views
In addition, the bible doesn't forbid it. The bible is not a monolithic work, but an anthology. - 16/10/2012 02:32:59 AM 468 Views
Go you. - 16/10/2012 03:59:48 AM 388 Views
What I said is correct. - 16/10/2012 05:49:13 PM 322 Views
We use "bigot" like Christians use "sinner." - 16/10/2012 09:12:39 PM 414 Views
Hm. *NM* - 20/10/2012 01:58:35 PM 243 Views

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