Pretty much all my characters are gay and male, like me. But while I am shy, reserved, and unassertive, the characters I rp best and enjoy most tend to be bossy, temperamental, and brazen. Usually flawed but well-intentioned. Usually manipulative, but sometimes openly so and honest. Usually brave, but sometimes more socially brave and sometimes more physically brave. Usually smart but tunnel-visioned; i.e., just smart enough to get into trouble. Character A is Slytherin me. Character B is Gryffindor me. Etc.
A person who rps with me a lot can probably come up with an intuitive image of my personality on the whole. But certainly not from a mere profile of my character. And even people who rp with me a lot often tend to get things wrong, like those who suspect I am a girl playing a guy just because I like scenes that focus on relationships and how our characters' actions risk or strengthen them.
EDIT: Of course, I should also add that were I a Congressman, I'd fully expect to be attacked for any hyperbolic, hurtful, or ridiculous comments I make OOC while playing in a public forum such as an online game. Being in an alternate ego isn't a good excuse to let loose and be an asshole.
A person who rps with me a lot can probably come up with an intuitive image of my personality on the whole. But certainly not from a mere profile of my character. And even people who rp with me a lot often tend to get things wrong, like those who suspect I am a girl playing a guy just because I like scenes that focus on relationships and how our characters' actions risk or strengthen them.
EDIT: Of course, I should also add that were I a Congressman, I'd fully expect to be attacked for any hyperbolic, hurtful, or ridiculous comments I make OOC while playing in a public forum such as an online game. Being in an alternate ego isn't a good excuse to let loose and be an asshole.
Only so evil.
Only so evil.
This message last edited by Burr on 06/10/2012 at 05:36:02 AM
Gamers, when you create a charater to play in a RPG
06/10/2012 01:50:34 AM
Reality-dependent fantasy?
06/10/2012 05:23:08 AM
Being in an alternate ego is the IDEAL excuse to let loose and be an asshole.
06/10/2012 11:40:39 AM
ICly, sure. I was talking about OOCly. The Congresswoman's OOC comments have come under attack. *NM*
06/10/2012 01:59:37 PM
Glass cannon Mage who feels he is surrounded by fools. *NM*
06/10/2012 09:40:04 AM
This is my preference as well, only I tend to create female characters. *NM*
06/10/2012 07:52:33 PM
I do not go around breaking and entering, picking peoples pockets and backstabbing them IRL, no.
06/10/2012 11:36:21 AM
There's always some reality and some fantasy, with each character having more or less of each. *NM*
08/10/2012 09:06:28 PM