1) What did/do you eat in college, predominately? Did it even resemble healthy eating?
I try to make it healthy. For breakfast, I have toast and fruit, though what kind of fruit I have depends on what's available that day (I've had oranges, cantalope, pineapple, watermelon, etc). For dinner, it really depends. I usually have a salad, though sometimes I may have a sandwhich or something else to get some protein.
2) Where you limited by time, convenience, finances and/or motivation?
Usually, I'm pressed for time- it's usually when I have either an early morning class or a club meeting later in the day. Then, my eating schedule is thrown off.
3) What do you think is the ONE THING that all college students should stock in their cabinets/kitchens?
Hmm...I'd say fruit. If your not going to have time to eat it before it spoils, I'd say popcorn. It's still somewhat healthy.
4) Name some other less-ultimate items.
Something sweet for special occaisions.
5) Send me some real goddamned food please. My cooking is subpar.
I doubt I could do that through the US Postal Service. It'd probably spoil before it got to you.

This message last edited by LordPerrin on 29/09/2009 at 01:01:08 AM
College Food (Or the Food of the Similarly aged/financed)
29/09/2009 12:24:52 AM
29/09/2009 01:00:29 AM
Well I havent been here long, but I feel like I've been eating here forever
30/09/2009 01:17:49 AM