Active Users:312 Time:21/09/2024 05:53:20 AM
Even granting the first part, extending unemployment insurance 6 months=/=4 years of 8% unemployment - Edit 1

Before modification by Joel at 19/09/2012 12:06:46 AM

I have been on unemployment, and I have tried to hire people who use my interview appts as an excuse to claim they have looked for work, but clearly don't want to do the work being asked of them (doesn't pay enough/not easy or clean). I'm not going to argue with you about Obama, given that I already said what I think, but the system definitely could be cleaned up. It isn't fair to claim we're anywhere near black and white here, so it is silly to say that the other has no right to the talking point.

Another favorite GOP talking point is that unemployment has been above 8% for 43 months; do the math and tell me the date 43 months ago. Then tell me how it can possibly be Obamas fault, particularly given that unemployment had gone up a full 2% over the preceding 5 months, and went up another full 2% over the next 7.

I just cannot see how Obama created a culture of entitlement before ever taking office, whether Social Security and Medicare in 1933 or 8% unemployment in March 2009 (and it was 7.8% in February, so close enough to 8% when he had only been on the job a month.) If it is a problem, it greatly predates him.

*shrugs* I am not your mother, but you tell me if you long for the good old days before Obama. It may take >4 years to get out of an 8 year deep hole.

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