You gave that away with your first post - Edit 1
Before modification by snoopcester at 18/09/2012 11:56:39 PM
Recent, maybe?
I meant what I said. Jerk.
And you think that us seeing something that hasn't (presumably) been audited as fishy by the IRS will make a difference? I think people only want to see it for the same reasons as those who want to see the Kate boobies. Or the Obama birth certificate.
I don't think it is the same thing at all. Firstly, he did supposedly ask Ryan for ten years for returns, so why does he deserve more from his prospective VP than the voters deserve from a prospective president? He's standing on his record as a money maker (I would say job creator but I believe it is a matter of debate if he actually created more than he destroyed and where jobs he created were) - how he got it is relevant.
Really, why is he unwilling to show his tax returns - isn't he proud of his financial success and keen to show people how smart he is in looking after his money? Apart from that, I'm not sure what else he actually stands on. Though that might now have changed, with the release nearly an hour of him speaking in private on his views...
also, in terms of the IRS - it is worth remembering how limited they are. They're never going to be close to being able to carefully check even a fraction of the tax returns that come in... and someone like Romney is likely to be employing a number of accountants on higher salaries than the best the IRS has is on (kinda like someone owning 50 acres in which they might have buried a chest of gold, how long do you spend ignoring the rest of your job to look in case it is there?) - under those circumstances it is a lot easier to get away with tax evasion than get caught. Not that I'm saying he has been guilty of tax evasion, just the idea the IRS would have caught it doesn't hold that much water with me.