Oh, but do not forget: If you make $200,000-$250,000/year you are also "middle class." - Edit 1
Before modification by Joel at 18/09/2012 08:05:16 AM
I had forgotten Romney dropped that little chestnut in the course of his interview by George Stephanopoulus last weekend (video and full transcript linked.)
EDIT: Now that I think about it, if Romney believes the 94% of Americans earning <$250,000 are not upper class, I wonder if he similarly miscalculated the 47-49% of people with whom Obama allies (and vice versa.) Guess we shall see in about 7 weeks....
EDIT: Now that I think about it, if Romney believes the 94% of Americans earning <$250,000 are not upper class, I wonder if he similarly miscalculated the 47-49% of people with whom Obama allies (and vice versa.) Guess we shall see in about 7 weeks....