The question is not if 4 more Obama years will be better, but if 8 Romney years will be worse. - Edit 1
Before modification by Joel at 04/09/2012 05:08:17 AM
Pretty powerful stuff. Why would anyone think that a 2nd 4 years will be better than the first 4 years?
We have not voted FOR (rather than against) presidents in a very long time. As long as we retain a two party system we probably never will, even when we should, because addition by subtraction is so much easier and safer than formulating policies of ones own for an opponent to attack. Negative ads lower the popularity of the person airing them, but lower the targets even more, and are therefore worth it. Polls say the vast majority dislikes and does not respond to negative ads, but politicians keep running them because the November poll says people DO respond to them, and that is the only poll that matters.
Even one other viable party would dramatically change (though never eliminate) that, because attacking ones opponent would benefit no one except the third party uninvolved. Unfortunately that requires the two major parties let someone else play, too, so I am not holding my breath.
Meanwhile, Republicans have a point in(cessantly) comparing Obama to Carter: 4 years is not long enough for either to fix a GOP disaster 8 years in the making. Unfortunately for Republicans, Obama is not Carter, and Romney DEFINITELY is not Reagan, no matter how many times he quotes him. Upshot: In 30 out of 50 states, Obama is polling better than he was this time in 2008.