Active Users:611 Time:21/09/2024 06:19:27 AM
Much of it is Reagans old PR man creating Fox News to falsely convince people media is untrustworthy - Edit 1

Before modification by Joel at 30/08/2012 07:37:44 PM

You don't have to watch Fox News to notice that like Ghavrel the media is much more interested in fact checking the right than the are the left. They take exception to using Obama's "you didn't build this comment" even though it doesn't change when placed in context but they gave Obama a pass for basing his entire campaign on attacking Romney for things Bain did after he left the company to run the Olympics.

One need not watch Fox to believe that false political narrative, but it definitely helps. Obamas reference to roads and other infrastructure make clear he meant business owners could not build their businesses without relying on community efforts involving others as well as themselves.

Romneys sworn statement he left Bain in 1999 would be more credible if he had not sworn in 2002 that he was at Bain through that year, and SEC filing documents did not show him as a Bain board member through that year. I would like nothing better than for the media to report on Romneys contradictory statements under oath, but am not holding my breath. Whether he was not a MA resident when he ran for governor or was a Bain boardmember when they shut down companies, fired workers and sent the production to China is a much smaller matter than him saying mutually exclusive things under oath.

It IS fair to say citing Romneys "corporations are people" line without noting he meant that corporations directly and otherwise employ many people is just as wrong as quoting Obamas "you didn't build that" out of context. However, I cannot recall the media, rather than Dems, mischaracterize the first comment.

Before this goes any further, I feel obliged to warn you I will not stick around for more of what Paul Ryan would call "A is not A."
This is the part where you say Romneys sworn testimony is irrelevant because Huff Post quoted it. 8}

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