Active Users:646 Time:10/03/2025 03:53:29 AM
My point wasn't who said it first, but that a liberal said it too. It's an apolitical observation Cannoli Send a noteboard - 22/07/2012 01:41:00 AM
It's probably the optimist in me, but I like to think individuals over the age of 10 are slightly better than that.
Oh, you poor thing.

Your columnist mentions this association buried in a rather long column that seems to be primarily a sports column. I'm also willing to bet that most people will recognize Limbaugh's name and most people won't recognize your columnist's name. While I don't deny that certain people may get more "riled" about Limbaugh saying it than the columnist, I think the prominence of one person versus the other plays a part as well.
My issue was that making such an observation has nothing to do with people's politics. I didn't expect anyone to really be aware of Esterbrook's beating him to the punch. They were just jumping on Limbaugh because they hate him and will take any excuse, including twisting the meaning of his words. Obviously, Esterbrook does not feel this is a Hollywood plot to discredit Romney, so therefore it is possible to state that some people will be draw a negative association from the homonyms, without being a crazy conspiracy theorist.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Rush Limbaugh- Batman film is an attack on Mitt Romney - 18/07/2012 03:06:30 PM 2523 Views
Yeah, that's about the nuttiest thing I've heard all week. - 18/07/2012 03:36:46 PM 887 Views
How incredibly stupid. - 18/07/2012 03:44:39 PM 897 Views
Oh, he's wrong but the suspiscion isn't unwarranted - 18/07/2012 05:09:48 PM 1041 Views
Seriously, quit apologizing for the guy. - 19/07/2012 04:37:12 PM 993 Views
Stop being rational. *NM* - 19/07/2012 10:52:58 PM 543 Views
what a total moron. *NM* - 18/07/2012 05:18:23 PM 435 Views
So Republicans are evil...that's all the more reason to vote Republican! - 18/07/2012 07:10:45 PM 879 Views
Haha love that movie. +1 *NM* - 18/07/2012 07:54:07 PM 465 Views
No, that's more reason to NOT vote Republican. - 18/07/2012 11:08:47 PM 893 Views
Sure Rush - 18/07/2012 07:44:16 PM 822 Views
I thought it was because Penguin and the Riddler are just...really lame - 18/07/2012 08:27:42 PM 993 Views
"Hell, the sexes are equal with their erogenous zones blown sky high!" - 18/07/2012 11:17:01 PM 958 Views
I looked that up on youtube - 19/07/2012 06:24:10 AM 939 Views
seems the movie has a lot of people upset - 19/07/2012 08:55:05 PM 1063 Views
I heard about that. - 19/07/2012 11:04:57 PM 867 Views
I used to believe that was true - 20/07/2012 01:54:05 PM 1030 Views
Daaaang! That's raw. *NM* - 22/07/2012 08:09:02 AM 437 Views
I didn't read him as saying that at all. - 20/07/2012 03:42:59 AM 1070 Views
to hazard a guess, I think people noting it's stupidity has less to do with Limbaugh's politics... - 20/07/2012 06:59:06 AM 1375 Views
My point wasn't who said it first, but that a liberal said it too. It's an apolitical observation - 22/07/2012 01:41:00 AM 920 Views

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