Active Users:494 Time:10/03/2025 04:09:29 AM
Seriously, quit apologizing for the guy. everynametaken Send a noteboard - 19/07/2012 04:37:12 PM
It isn't necessary. The entire accusation is beyond retarded and Rush should know better than to even pursue that kind of idiocy. As far as why Nolan chose Bane, his first choice WAS the Riddler but he only wanted Leonardo DiCaprio to play him but DiCaprio couldn't because of other projects so The Riddler was scrapped. The Dark knight movies are dark and gritty, the villains the most dark and devious of the lot and Bane was by all means a good choice for the movie because in the comics he is the one who Fs up Batman by breaking his back. He also has actual intellegence in the comics and is thus an intellectual foe of Bruce Wayne on a scale that other villains aren't. The character of Bane and the plot of this movie is perfectly in line with the first two even though he might not be a "fan favorite". To even broach the comparison of Bane/Bain in terms of Presidential politics is beyond even the stupidest of political conspiracy theories. Why Rush, if he wants to remain a serious commentator on politics, would even give it a moment of time is beyond me. His listeners should expect more.
But wine was the great assassin of both tradition and propriety...
-Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings
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Rush Limbaugh- Batman film is an attack on Mitt Romney - 18/07/2012 03:06:30 PM 2523 Views
Yeah, that's about the nuttiest thing I've heard all week. - 18/07/2012 03:36:46 PM 887 Views
How incredibly stupid. - 18/07/2012 03:44:39 PM 897 Views
Oh, he's wrong but the suspiscion isn't unwarranted - 18/07/2012 05:09:48 PM 1041 Views
Seriously, quit apologizing for the guy. - 19/07/2012 04:37:12 PM 994 Views
Stop being rational. *NM* - 19/07/2012 10:52:58 PM 544 Views
what a total moron. *NM* - 18/07/2012 05:18:23 PM 435 Views
So Republicans are evil...that's all the more reason to vote Republican! - 18/07/2012 07:10:45 PM 879 Views
Haha love that movie. +1 *NM* - 18/07/2012 07:54:07 PM 466 Views
No, that's more reason to NOT vote Republican. - 18/07/2012 11:08:47 PM 894 Views
Sure Rush - 18/07/2012 07:44:16 PM 822 Views
I thought it was because Penguin and the Riddler are just...really lame - 18/07/2012 08:27:42 PM 994 Views
"Hell, the sexes are equal with their erogenous zones blown sky high!" - 18/07/2012 11:17:01 PM 959 Views
I looked that up on youtube - 19/07/2012 06:24:10 AM 939 Views
seems the movie has a lot of people upset - 19/07/2012 08:55:05 PM 1064 Views
I heard about that. - 19/07/2012 11:04:57 PM 867 Views
I used to believe that was true - 20/07/2012 01:54:05 PM 1031 Views
Daaaang! That's raw. *NM* - 22/07/2012 08:09:02 AM 437 Views

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