I cut down on my caffeine when I found out I was pregnant.
Beqi Send a noteboard - 09/07/2012 10:58:35 PM
I have heard about it making the baby more fussy. I will keep a watch for it and adjust accordingly. It is nice to be less restrictive now that I'm not pregnant. I have even been able to enjoy a couple glasses of wine now that I'm done with the Percoset. I'm much more laid back with this baby than I was with my first. A lot less scared of stuff.
Also known as kazetaran
"The Daleks on the bus say exter-min-ate" Taran 9-3-2012
Also known as kazetaran

"The Daleks on the bus say exter-min-ate" Taran 9-3-2012
This message last edited by Beqi on 09/07/2012 at 11:08:31 PM

What's a Keurig, and does it produce real coffee?
09/07/2012 05:06:04 PM
i haven't had caffeine during preggo time... so, you can drink coffee while nursing?
09/07/2012 10:40:08 PM
I cut down on my caffeine when I found out I was pregnant.
09/07/2012 10:58:35 PM
i'm sure it gets easier with each baby! i'm excited... due any minute now, hehe
11/07/2012 06:18:35 PM