Dreaded Anomaly once mentioned having worked at the LHC, so you might want to NB him first, but I am not sure how often he is here. Isaac has a Masters in physics, IIRC, and moondog has a Bachelors, so they might be good sources, depending on how detailed you want it (with that sort of thing the most precise details are often exclusive to those actively and specifically researching the subject.) When they were stlll here, I believe Tor was doing sciency stuff (yick, that is the second time today I have used that phrase ' />) at NTNU while Camilla did litty stuff, but I am not sure if he was on the engineering or science side of things. I believe jh is fairly knowledegable in that area also, and IIRC Spriteling knows something about it, too. The Shrike kept up on that as well, but I am pretty sure he never visits RAFO now.
There, having exhaustively answered your question my good deed for the day is done. Because KNOWING smart people eliminates my need to actually BE smart.
There, having exhaustively answered your question my good deed for the day is done. Because KNOWING smart people eliminates my need to actually BE smart.
Wheel of Time board admin
Fan of Lanfear
Fan of Lanfear
Who knows about particle physics?
07/07/2012 08:47:57 AM
Many people; fortunately for you, some frequent this site.
07/07/2012 10:48:26 AM
Thanks Joel :p *NM*
07/07/2012 04:42:52 PM
Well. It's kind of hard to make it simple.
07/07/2012 01:38:43 PM