For the weak force, these are the W and Z bosons. For the strong force, it's the gluon.
What are the weak and strong forces?
For gravity we have the (theoretical) graviton.
Are physicists pretty sure about the presence of the graviton? How do they work? Do they accumulate to make gravity?
One sentence summary: The Higgs mechanism (which works through the Higgs boson) gives particles mass.
Finding the Higgs is cool because it means we understand why particles have mass, and it means our current understanding of particle physics is fairly correct.
Finding the Higgs is cool because it means we understand why particles have mass, and it means our current understanding of particle physics is fairly correct.
How does this tie in with the Higgs field? From what I read its a giant field of energy that permeates the universe.
Also, what is the relevance of a neutrino and why do scientists try and trap them or count the amount that hit the earth?
Wheel of Time board admin
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Fan of Lanfear
This message last edited by Sidious on 07/07/2012 at 04:44:43 PM
Who knows about particle physics?
07/07/2012 08:47:57 AM
Many people; fortunately for you, some frequent this site.
07/07/2012 10:48:26 AM
Well. It's kind of hard to make it simple.
07/07/2012 01:38:43 PM
Ah cool... thanks
07/07/2012 04:41:27 PM