You do actually need to eat more when exercising to get any effect, but you probably need water
Isaac Send a noteboard - 29/06/2012 04:10:06 PM
The trouble is...I am on holidays and all of this exercise is making me HUNGRY! Sad to say, I have been eating up a storm!
Generally speaking your body needs to get about a gram of protein per pound of muscle a day just to maintain it, and more to build with, and if you're not exceeding your calorie requirement for the day it's not going to happen. You should be eating ~20 minutes after working out, high on protein, like a protein shake if you're not at home. But a lot of people get hungry because they're not drinking enough water, or rather, if they were drinking enough water they'd not be hungry. It's really best to consume a couple of liters of water/gatoraid during the period prior to working out through about a half hour afterwards, and maybe some coffee, both of which will tend to suppress appetite. Especially since you're doing cardio-intensive if you're doing circuit training, rather than lots of weight lifting. I'd usually kill a cup of coffee and a liter of water prior to cardio in the mornings, heavy on the sugar or honey in the coffee, then eat a monster breakfast afterwards. But while a lot of people overdo the whole hydration thing, most people get minimal benefit from exercise simply because they're not getting enough water for their system to process the fat and protein.
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
How do you stay fit?
29/06/2012 11:51:20 AM
You do actually need to eat more when exercising to get any effect, but you probably need water
29/06/2012 04:10:06 PM
Thankyou, that was very helpful. I don't drink enough and eat too many carbs! *NM*
30/06/2012 06:13:33 AM
Bike riding, walking, sometimes running, and yoga at least once a week. *NM*
29/06/2012 06:38:06 PM
Running, swimming, circuits, strength training.
29/06/2012 07:04:01 PM
I need to have a routine! It is easy to just say 'I'm tired' *NM*
30/06/2012 06:17:31 AM
Let's see...after 20 kg lost in 6 months...
29/06/2012 07:30:45 PM
ty, very helpful Congrat's on the loss! Awesome effort. I think routine is the answer! *NM*
30/06/2012 06:19:07 AM