a rabbi and a priest are discussing their respective church doctrines over dinner
moondog Send a noteboard - 20/06/2012 05:09:24 AM
the priest asks the rabbi "rabbi, i understand in your religion you are forbidden to eat pork, but between the two of us, have you ever eaten pork even though it was against your religion?"
and the rabbi says "yes, i have to admit, just between us, i have tasted pork despite it being forbidden by my faith. so tell me father, just between us, even though it is forbidden by your church, have you ever had sex with a woman?"
and the father, reluctantly, says "yes, i have committed adultery with a woman from my flock, i am ashamed to admit to it."
the rabbi says "beats the hell out of pork, doesn't it?"
and the rabbi says "yes, i have to admit, just between us, i have tasted pork despite it being forbidden by my faith. so tell me father, just between us, even though it is forbidden by your church, have you ever had sex with a woman?"
and the father, reluctantly, says "yes, i have committed adultery with a woman from my flock, i am ashamed to admit to it."
the rabbi says "beats the hell out of pork, doesn't it?"
"The RIAA has shown a certain disregard for the creative people of the industry in their eagerness to protect the revenues of the record companies." -- Frank Zappa
"That's the trouble with political jokes in this country... they get elected!" -- Dave Lippman
"That's the trouble with political jokes in this country... they get elected!" -- Dave Lippman
a joke thread?
17/06/2012 04:01:27 AM
Did you hear about the biologist who tried to explain that jackrabbits aren't really rabbits?
17/06/2012 06:19:58 AM
I always like the religious jokes.
18/06/2012 06:42:22 PM
a rabbi and a priest are discussing their respective church doctrines over dinner
20/06/2012 05:09:24 AM