Good. - Edit 1
Before modification by Zalis at 13/06/2012 07:49:43 PM
I talked to another friend about this this morning, and she is very Christian. Very. I was surprised to find out that she agrees with me, rather than the black/white, cut and dried opinion of the first friend. Her response when I mentioned this surprise: "I got old. I realized that the world isn't what we want it to be, it is what it is." )
Good for her. The spirit of what she said resonates with how Christians ought to interact with others. I'm also pro-life, but assuming that pro-choicers take delight in ending unborn lives is simply callous. Just as I have some deeply-held moral and personal points for my view, I have to believe that opposing views are just as nuanced. It doesn't mean that I have to agree with them, or that we're both somehow magically right. What it does mean is that we can talk about it like human beings and not freak out upon discovering an opposing worldview or point of view.
One of my cousins comes to mind. He's a very vocal atheist and posts things about it. I don't block him or his posts, and I'll often check the link. He's family, so I show him love regardless of disagreements. Same goes with my other friends that I disagree with, even on big issues. Being reasonable with people of opposing/different worldviews is part of growing up. So, good for you, too! (for not picking a fight ... I'm sure that was tempting)